انجمن مترجمان زبان انگلیسی Write for you , from life time to time which takes me in its bitter and sweet embrace and dose not leave me , i love life with its problems so that loving GOD. |
یک شنبه 28 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 15:44 :: نويسنده : saeid
سلام بر دوستای گلم دوباره ، این عنوانو گذتشتم واسه رایتینگ در زبان انگلیسی : پس اجازه بدین ابتدا مقدمه ای رو واستون بیارم: شاید بارها واستون پیش اومده که بخوایین نامه ای رسمی واسه اداره خاصی بنویسین ویا حتی برای دوستاتون. خوب تا حالا فکر کردین که چطور باید شروع کنین یاچطور ادامه بدین و به پایانش برین؟ شاید واستون نوشتن این قبیل نامه ها به زبان فارسی کار زیاد سختی نباشه ولی در انگلیسی قوانین خاص خودشو داره. یک نامه رسمی یا اداری نباید طولانی باشه ، باید در بر گیرنده متن اصلی باشه و از موضوع طفره نره اما در نامه های دوستانه میشه هر جوری نوشت چون غیر رسمیه .پس من هم زیاد از موضوع حاشیه نمی رم و به دو مطلب کلیدی در نوشتار بسنده میکنم: در انگلیسی در حالت کلی دو نوع پاراگراف داریم:descending paragraph(کل به جز) ascending paragraph(جز به کل) در descending paragraph یک موضوع از حالت کلی به حالت جزعی و جمله های کم اهمیت تر بسط پیدا میکنه اما در ascending paragraph برعکس این اتفاق میفته برای درک بهتر این مطلب یه مثال میارم:
مثلا ما میخواییم در موردتحصیلات descending paragraph بنویسیماز مهمترینش شروع میکنیم: education' hs the most importent academy course in one's life ,and...... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . and the end of it there are many causes و در ascending paragraph کاملا برعکسش اتفاق میفته........... قربون همه دوستای گل...........................سعید
یک شنبه 28 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 15:44 :: نويسنده : saeid
سلام بر دوستای گلم دوباره ، این عنوانو گذتشتم واسه رایتینگ در زبان انگلیسی : پس اجازه بدین ابتدا مقدمه ای رو واستون بیارم: شاید بارها واستون پیش اومده که بخوایین نامه ای رسمی واسه اداره خاصی بنویسین ویا حتی برای دوستاتون. خوب تا حالا فکر کردین که چطور باید شروع کنین یاچطور ادامه بدین و به پایانش برین؟ شاید واستون نوشتن این قبیل نامه ها به زبان فارسی کار زیاد سختی نباشه ولی در انگلیسی قوانین خاص خودشو داره. یک نامه رسمی یا اداری نباید طولانی باشه ، باید در بر گیرنده متن اصلی باشه و از موضوع طفره نره اما در نامه های دوستانه میشه هر جوری نوشت چون غیر رسمیه .پس من هم زیاد از موضوع حاشیه نمی رم و به دو مطلب کلیدی در نوشتار بسنده میکنم: در انگلیسی در حالت کلی دو نوع پاراگراف داریم:descending paragraph(کل به جز) ascending paragraph(جز به کل) در descending paragraph یک موضوع از حالت کلی به حالت جزعی و جمله های کم اهمیت تر بسط پیدا میکنه اما در ascending paragraph برعکس این اتفاق میفته برای درک بهتر این مطلب یه مثال میارم:
مثلا ما میخواییم در موردتحصیلات descending paragraph بنویسیماز مهمترینش شروع میکنیم: education' hs the most importent academy course in one's life ,and...... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . and the end of it there are many causes و در ascending paragraph کاملا برعکسش اتفاق میفته........... قربون همه دوستای گل...........................سعید
شنبه 27 مهر 1392برچسب:جملات زیبا, :: 1:54 :: نويسنده : saeid
بیزار باش از معشوقی که اسم هرزگی هایش را بگذارد "آزادی"اسم نگرانیهایت را بگذارد گیر دادن و برای بی تفاوتی هایش اعتماد داشتن به تو را بهانه کند. to be dislike about the belove who calls her/his ribaldries"freedom"calls your worries "persistence" and for her/his indiferences excuses confidence on you.
چارلی چاپلین خطاب به دخترش: دخترم در این دنیا هیچ چیز ارزش آن را ندارد که دختری حتی بخواهد انگشت نوک پایش را برای آن عریان کند ، بدنت را برای کسی عریان ساز که بخواهد روحش را برایت عریان سازد.
cCHarly CHaplin adressing his daughter:my daughter there is not any thing in the world which a gilrl wants to bare her tip toe so to bare your body whom wants to bare his soul for you.
خدا تنها واژه ایست که در قلب آدمی مانگار است ، نه خیانت میکند ، ونه ریاکار است ، و همیشه به یاد بندگانش است و این انسانها هستند که فراموشکارند و بیشتر اوقات از او غافل. یادم می آید سخنی از بزرگی شنیدم که می گفت هرگز به او پشت مکن اویی که هر لحظه به یاد توست. GOD is only word that is standed in one's heart , neither selouts nor hipocritical ,and he always remembers his creratures while that the creatures who foget him and are neglected, i remember that a great man said : never forget him who never forget you.
سلام دویاره به دوستای گلم نترسین این تاپیکو قصد دارم به زبان مادریم بنویسم پس : حتما تا به حال با متن انگلیسی روبرو شدین که علی رغم اینکه معنی همه واژه هاشو میدونین و دیکشنری هم دارین نمیتونین ترجمش کنین ، زیاد غصه نخورین این امر طبیعیه ، من یه مثال واستون میارم:اگه یه بریتانیایی یا آمریکایی بیاد ایران و شما به فرض میون صحبتاتون بهش بگین:کلت بوی قرمه سبزی میده یا آش خالته بخوری پاته نخوری پاته،مسلما نمیدونه که شما چی گفتین یا برعکس شما برین انگلستان و حین گفتگو به فرض بهتون بگن:lay the blame at your doors(آش خالته بخوری پاته نخوری پاته)یا بگه pass the buck(از بارمسولیت شونه خالی کردن) دقیقا مشکل قبلی پیش میاد مگه اینکه مطالعتون در زمینه زبان و زبانشناسی از حد معمول فراتر بره. همونطور که ما در کشورمون ضربالمثل داریم انگلیسیا هم دارن و البته چند گونه هم دارن:idiom(اصطلاح)proverb(ضربالمثل)slang(زبان عامیانه و غیر رسمی آمریکایی یا کوچه بازاری)، من چند نمونه از اصطلاحا و ضرب المثل هاشونو میارم: it is kind of you:نظر لطف شماست/don't mention it:قابلی نداشت خواهش می کنم/ take the bull by the horns:به تنهایی لز تمومی مسولیتها بر اومدن/ و..... (اگه هر اصطلاحی مد نظرتونه بگین واستون بذارم) ممکنه بپرسین یاد گرفتن اینا چه کمکی به ما میکنه : ولی باید عرض کنم به کار بردن این اصطلاحا تو صحبتتون علاوه بر زیبایی کلا و نزدیکی به زبان مبدا دانش زبانتونو بالا می بره............ قربون همه دوستای گلم ..............فقط واسم دعا کنین ارشد قبول بشم.........دوستون دارم دوستون دارم....................سعید so long چهار شنبه 24 مهر 1392برچسب:شیطان محکوم است, :: 21:6 :: نويسنده : saeid
به نام خدا شیطان محکوم است... Devil is convicted دیروز صبح زود که واسه نماز پا شده بودم ، دوباره تصمیم گرفتم یه چورتی بزنم در همون اثنا، خواب عجیبی Yesterday morning which I had woke up for saying prayer, decided to take a nap, wherein, made a nightmarish dream. دیدم. خواب دیدم تو یه پارکم و رو صندلی نشسته ام و دارم روزنامه می خونم دختر آرایش کرده ی زیبایی اومد و I dreamed I had sat on a bench in a park while reading a newspaper, a made up pretty girl came and sat on near of me. کنارم نشست ، کسی تو پارک نبود من بودم و اون بود و اگه گفتین دیگه کی؟ درست حدس زدین شاهد همیشه There was not anyone at there, what do you guess? It’s correct, GOD. ناظر. خلاصه ازش فاصله گرفتم و رو صندلی دیگه ای نشستم .دوباره اومد و کنارم نشست . روزنامه رو کنار So I took away hers and sat down on the another bench . again came and repeated her action. gave up the newspaper گذاشتم و گفتم، خانم با من کاری دارین؟ گفت نه فقط می خوام کمی باهات حرف بزنم. چنان این جمله رو با And said: what do you do with me lady? Answered no just I would like to speak. so much her action was sensitive حس گفت که بگی منو سالهاست میشناسه. خلاصه ،گفتم مگه شما ناموس نداری؟ چرا با یه مرد غریبه می خوای That as though she had already known me. Then I said haven’t you honor? Why do you want to speak with an unfamiliar man? حرف بزنی؟سوالمو با سوال پاسخ داد:به خدا اعتقاد داری؟ گفتم اینو من باید از شما بپرسم . بی هیچ منظوری وارد She answered my question with a question; do you believe in GOD? Said h must ask the same question you. I had argued unreasonably. بحث شده بودم. گفتم خوب البته . گفت: مگه خدا گفته حرف زدن حرومه؟ گفتم نه. گفت حالا من می خوام Said of course. She said: unless it is irregular? I said no. she said now I want باهات حرف بزنم، و باز خودشو بهم نزدیک کرد .گفتم استغفر الله خانم فاصله رو رعایت کن.کمی از من فاصله Speak , and again approximated himself. I said (forgive me GOD) take away from me. Took away a little me. گرفت . دوباره گفت: دلت نمی خواد بهترینا رو داشته باشی؟ تو رفاه باشی؟ گفتم چرا؟ منظور؟دوباره پرسید: اهل Again said , don’t you want to have the best? Be in welfare ? answered why not? What do you mean? again asked: نمازی آره؟ گفتم با دنیا عوضش نمیکنم. گفت: من در اختیارتم و پدرم از مال دنیا چیزی کم و کثر نداره ازت Do you say your prayers? I said I don’t exchange with the world.sai: h belong you and my father is a wealthy man خوشم اومده و من هم تک دخترشم حرف حرف منه، هر چی بخوای در اختیارت میذارم فقط یه چیزی. گفتم چه I interest you and I’m his single daughter , that is my power I give you every thing you want just a matter. I said what? چیزی؟(آدم در خواب اختیارش دست خودش نیست) گرم گفتگو شده بودم و ادامه داد:بهم بگو در مکتب خدایی I had been talking her and she continued : say me what have you learnt in your GOD’s religion ! که داری چه چیزایی یاد گرفتی؟ شروع به شمردن کردم: در مکتبی که من درس خوندم دروغ گفتن حرومه،ربا I started to counting : it is illegal to say a lie , the gavel is illegal, حرومه، حقو ناحق کردن حرومه، نگاه هوس آلود به نامحرم حرومه، ظلم حرومه، حرفمو برید و گفت پس میتونی بگی چه چیزایی حلاله؟ گفتم تو مکتب آموختم:به پدر مادرم احترام بدارم وقتی به پیری رسیدن رو دوشم حملشون کنم،تو مکتب آموختم و قتی به نامحرمی می رسم حدالامکان باهاش گرم نگیرم(که گرم گرفته بودم) ، تو مکتب آموختم که من پسرم و دختر هم دختره و نباید مثل اونا رفتار کنم، شبا با یاد خدا بخوابم و گفتم بازم بشمارم؟ دیدم دختره داره دیونه میشه. فریاد زد خفه شو ول کن مکتبتو کدوم مکتب! همرنگ جماعتی شو که دارن خوش گذرونی میکنن، شرطم همینه میگم مکتبتو رها کن با من باش زندگی یعنی پول نه مکتب خدا ، گفتم خودت خفه شو، من یاد خدامو با هیچ چی عوض نمی کنم، بعد صحنه ی عجیبی دیدم. چهره دختره کم کم داشت عوض می شد، با ترس کم کم ازش فاصله گرفتم تو پارک کسی نبود، خدای من چهره ی اون به یه آدم آتشین بد منظر تبدیل شد و شروع به نالیدن کرد و گفت:چرا کسی نیست که منو به مکتب خدا دعوت کنه؟گفتم تو در مکتب خدا هزاران سال عبادت کردی بهترین فرشته ها حسرت مقامتوا می خوردند ، ولی اسیر زندانی درون خود شدی ، غرورت اجازه تعظیم به خاک نداد پس همیشه مطرودی. دیگر صدایی نیامد پارک ساکت شد . روزنامه ام زیر پایم بود، تیترش نظرمو به خودش جلب کرد. چرا این مدت اونو ندیده بودم؟ تیتر روزنامه این بود:" دختر سرمایه دار مشهوری در پارک خودشی کرد ".یک لحظه تلنگری رو تو پشتم احساس کردم. خانمم بود که داشت هلم می داد که بیدار شو و بعدش گفت سعید پاشو برو نون بربری بگیر واسه صبحونه. قربون همه دوستایی که نمازشون فراموش نمیشه.
ادامه مطلب ... سه شنبه 23 مهر 1392برچسب:گفتگو با خدا, :: 11:55 :: نويسنده : saeid
گفتگو با خدا
nterview with god گفتگو با خدا
I dreamed I had an Interview with god خواب دیدم در خواب با خدا گفتگویی داشتم
So you would like to Interview me? “God asked” خدا گفت : پس میخواهی با من گفتگو کنی ؟
If you have the time “I said” گفتم : اگر وقت داشته باشید
God smiled خدا لبخند زد
ادامه مطلب ... شنبه 20 مهر 1392برچسب:تقدیر و تشکر, :: 1:20 :: نويسنده : saeid
به نام خدا سلام بر همه دوستان و بییندگان گلم من یه معذزت خواهی به همه بدهکارم به جهت اینکه اگه تموم تاپیکهامو به زبان انگلیسی میذارم آخه من عاشق زبان انگلیسیم ، و اینکه از شما میخوام در ارائه هر چه بهتر مطالب و ترویج این وبلاگ منو تشویق و همراهی کنید، و ضمنا اگه هر مطلبی خواستین(در رابطه با زبان انگلیسی کافیه پیام بذارین و من دربست در خدمتتون هستم) قربون همه دوستای گلم.....سعید
چهار شنبه 17 مهر 1392برچسب:افعال عبارتی, :: 17:39 :: نويسنده : saeid
started with A sincec
Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs : A
33 Phrasal Verbs beginning with A
Click on any phrasal verb for more information, including example sentences, collocations, notes and quizzes.
Phrasal Verbs
account for Formal
If you account for something, you explain how it came to be the way it is.
act as
to perform the same function as a particular person or thing
act for
If you act for someone, you represent them.
act on
If you act on somebody's advice, you do as they suggest.
act out
If you act out, you express your feelings through acts or words.
act up Informal
If a part of your body or a piece of equipment acts up, it doesn't work properly.
add to
If something adds to something, it makes it better, greater, stronger or more extreme in some way.
add up
to add two or more numbers in order to find the total amount
add up to
If two or more numbers add up to another number, this is the total you get if you add them together.
adhere to Formal
If you adhere to a law, a rule or a contract, you obey it or follow it.
advise against Formal
to suggest to someone that they should not do something they are thinking of doing
advise of Formal
If you advise someone of something, you tell them about it.
agree with
If a certain place or lifestyle agrees with you, it suits you and is good for you.
aim at
If you aim a product or a creative work at a particular group of people, you see those people as your market or your audience.
allow for
to consider something, or take it into account, when making plans or making a decision
allude to Formal
to mention or refer to something or someone in an indirect way
amount to
to be similar to, or to have the same effect as
answer back
to reply rudely to someone who is in a position of authority, such as a teacher, a parent or a coach
answer for
to be held responsible for something
appeal for
to ask for something, usually in order to help deal with a crisis or an emergency
appeal to
If something appeals to you, you like it.
apply to
If something applies to you, it is relevant to you or you are affected by it.
arrive at
to reach a result, a conclusion or a decision after considering relevant factors or details
ask after
If you ask after someone, you ask about them when you talk to someone who's seen them recently.
ask for
to let someone know that you'd like them to give you something
ask out
If you ask somebody out, you ask someone you like to go on a date with you.
ask over
If you ask some people over, you invite them to your house.
associate with
If you associate with someone, you regularly spend time with them.
attach to
to believe that something has importance or significance in relation to something else
attend to
to deal with something or someone
attribute to
to believe that something results directly from a certain event or fact
auction off
to sell something to the highest bidder at an auction
average out at
to come to a certain amount on average
Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs : B
64 Phrasal Verbs beginning with B
Click on any phrasal verb for more information, including example sentences, collocations, notes and quizzes.
Phrasal Verbs
back down
to decide not to do something because of opposition, or because of pressure from authorities
back out
If you back out of something like an agreement or a deal, you decide not to follow through on it.
back up (1)
to make an extra copy of digital information on disc, flash drive, external hard drive, etc. in case the original data is lost
back up (2)
If you back up what you say, you use evidence or examples to show that it's true.
bail out (1)
to help out someone or something that's in serious trouble, especially financial trouble
bail out (2)
to give money to a court so that an accused person doesn't have to stay in jail until their trial begins
bank on
If you bank on something happening or someone doing something, you depend on it or count on it.
base on (1)
to use specific information, ideas or past experiences as a basis for making a decision
base on (2)
to use something as source material
bear on
to have relevance to, or influence on, something
bear out
to show that someone is correct or that something is true
beat up
to hurt someone by punching, kicking or hitting them with a hard object
become of
If you ask what has become of someone you haven't seen or heard from for a long time, you want to know what's happened to them.
beef up
to make something stronger or more powerful
begin with
If an activity or an event begins with something, that's the first thing that happens.
believe in
If you believe in something, you're sure that it's true or it really exists.
belong to
If something belongs to a person, it is owned by that person.
bend down
to move the upper part of your body forwards and downwards
bet on
to be sure that something will happen
bite off
to separate something from whatever it's attached to by biting it
black out
to lose consciousness
blow away
to surprise or amaze someone
blow out
If a flame blows out, it goes out because someone blows on it or because of the wind.
blow up (1)
If you blow up something, you use explosives to damage or destroy it.
blow up (2)
to fill with air or gas in order to inflate something
blow up (3)
to make a photograph larger
border on
If something like an action or an attitude borders on something more extreme, it is close to being that extreme.
bow out
to resign from a job, or to end a career, usually after a long time
break down (1)
If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working because of a mechanical problem.
break down (2)
If someone breaks down, they start crying.
break into
If someone breaks into a building or a vehicle, they force their way in, usually to steal something.
break out
to escape from somewhere like a jail or a detention centre
break up
If you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you end your relationship with him or her.
breathe in
to fill your lungs with air by drawing it in through your nose or mouth
breathe out
to push air out from your lungs through your nose or mouth
brighten up (1)
to make a place or a thing look more cheerful and more lively
brighten up (2)
to become happier and feel more cheerful
bring about
If you bring about something, you cause it to happen or you make it happen.
bring back (1)
to bring something with you when you return from somewhere
bring back (2)
to make something from the past come back, such as a memory, a feeling, an idea, etc.
bring down
to cause a government or a leader to lose power
bring forward
to change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than originally planned
bring off
to succeed in doing something that's difficult
bring on
to cause something like an illness or a painful emotion
bring out (1)
to release a new product
bring out (2)
to make a quality in someone or something show itself
bring up (1)
If you bring somebody up, you raise them from childhood to young adulthood.
bring up (2)
to raise a new topic for discussion, or to mention a particular subject or issue in a conversation
brush up
to revise your knowledge of something that you learned in the past
buckle up
to fasten a seatbelt in a car or on a plane
bugger off Informal
If you tell someone to bugger off, you're telling them to go away in a very impolite and aggressive way.
build on (1)
to add to what you've already succeeded in doing
build on (2)
to add a new section to a house or a building
build up (1)
to work at something and make it get stronger or bigger
build up (2)
to gradually increase
bump into
to meet somebody by chance
burn down
If something like a building or a forest burns down, it's completely destroyed in a fire.
burn out (1)
If a fire burns out, it slowly dies down until it stops burning altogether.
burn out (2)
to work too hard and suffer from physical and mental exhaustion
butt in
to start talking when somebody else is already talking
butt out Informal
If you want to tell someone quite forcefully to mind their own business, you can tell them to butt out.
butter up
to say nice things to someone before asking them to do something for you or to give you something
buy out
to buy somebody's share of a company or a partnership in order to take control of it
buy up
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Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs : C
89 Phrasal Verbs beginning with C
Click on any phrasal verb for more information, including example sentences, collocations, notes and quizzes.
Phrasal Verbs
call back
If you call someone back, you return their telephone call.
call for
If a person or an organisation calls for something, they state in public that it's needed, or should be done.
call off
to cancel an event that was planned or scheduled
call on
to visit someone for a short time
call out
If you call out, you use a loud voice to tell something to someone who's far away, or tell something to a large group.
calm down
If a person who is excited or agitated calms down, they become calmer and less excited or agitated.
care for (1)
If you care for someone, you like them a lot and have a strong affection for them.
care for (2)
If you care for someone or something, you look after them and make sure they have what they need.
care for (3) Formal
If you ask someone if they would care for something, you want to know if they'd like to have something.
carry on
to continue doing something
carry out
If you carry out a task or a piece of work, you do whatever is needed to complete it.
catch on (1)
If something catches on, it becomes popular.
catch on (2)
If you catch on, you suddenly understand something that you couldn't understand at first.
catch up (1)
If you catch up with someone who is ahead of you, you go faster than them until you reach them.
catch up (2)
If two people meet again after a while and catch up, they tell each other what they've been doing.
cater to
to provide people with what they need
change into
to change from one state or form into another
change over
to stop using one thing or one system and start using another one instead
charge with
If someone is charged with a crime, they are officially accused of committing it.
chase up
to try to find out what is being done about something, or what has happened to something
chat up Informal
to talk to someone in the hope of beginning a romantic relationship with them
cheat on
to be disloyal to your spouse or partner by having sex with someone else
cheat out of
to get something from somebody by cheating them
check in
If you check in, you give your details at a hotel's reception desk, or at an airline's check-in counter, when you arrive.
check into
to register your details after arriving for treatment at a hospital, a rehabilitation centre or a health resort
check on
to look at someone or something to make sure that nothing is wrong
check out (1)
to pay the bill and leave after staying at a hotel, a hospital or a rehabilitation centre
check out (2) Informal
to look at something, or go somewhere, to see what it's like
check through
to examine something carefully to make sure nothing is wrong, or to look for something
cheer on
to shout loudly to encourage someone, especially someone who's playing sport or competing in a race
cheer up
to feel happier after being sad
chop down
If you chop down something like a tree, you cause it to fall by cutting through its base.
chop up
to cut something into pieces with an axe or a knife
clean out (1)
to clean the inside of something
clean out (2) Informal
If you have been cleaned out, all your money has been taken by someone, or spent on something.
clean up
to make something clean and tidy
clear out (1)
to tidy a place by removing things that shouldn't be there
clear out (2) Informal
to leave a place, usually for a long time or forever
clear up
If an illness or a condition like acne clears up, it improves until it's no longer a problem.
close down
If a business closes down, or if someone closes it down, it stops operating.
come about
to happen, especially partly or totally by chance
come across (1)
to find something or meet someone by chance
come across (2)
If somebody comes across as being a certain type of person, they appear that way to other people.
come along (1)
to arrive or to appear
come along (2)
to make progress or to improve in some way
come along (3)
to go with somebody when they're going somewhere
come apart
to separate into several pieces, or to break into several parts
come around
to visit somebody, usually at their home
come back
to return to a place
come down
to move to a lower level or a lower position
come from (1)
to be born and raised in a place
come from (2)
to be made in or obtained from a particular place or thing
come in (1)
to enter a room or a building
come in (2)
If something like a train or plane comes in, it arrives at a station or an airport.
come into
to be given something after its owner dies
come of
to be the result of an event or situation
come off (1)
If something comes off, it becomes separated from the thing it's usually attached to.
come off (2)
to result in the intended outcome
come on (1)
to make progress or to improve in some way
come on (2)
If a light or a computer comes on, it starts working.
come on (3)
If a TV or radio show comes on, it starts.
come out (1)
to become available
come out (2)
to become known
come over (1)
to visit a place, or to move from one place or country to another
come over (2)
to seem to be a particular type of person
come through
to survive a difficult or dangerous situation or time
come to (1)
to regain consciousness after an accident or an operation
come to (2)
to add up to a particular total
come to (3)
If a thought or an idea comes to you, you remember it or you think of it
come under
to suddenly experience or suffer something dangerous or unpleasant
come up (1)
to walk up to someone or something
come up (2)
If an issue or a name comes up in something like a conversation, a meeting, or a report, the issue or name is discussed or mentioned.
come up (3)
to appear, occur, or become available
come up against
to face a difficult situation or a difficult opponent
come up with
to think of something like a plan, an idea or a solution to a problem
count on
to depend on someone or something to do what is expected or needed
cover up
to try to stop people finding out about something bad
crack down
to start enforcing a law or a rule more strictly
cross off
to remove a name or an item from a list by drawing a line through it
cross out
If you cross something out, you draw a line through it with a pen or a pencil, usually because it's wrong or is no longer necessary.
cry out
to scream or yell because of pain or fear
cut back
to reduce the amount of money spent on something, or to reduce the size or scale of something
cut down
to reduce the amount, number or size of something
cut off (1)
to stop the supply of something like electricity, water, gas or telephone service.
cut off (2)
to isolate somebody or something by making transport or communication very difficult or impossible
cut out (1)
to remove an area of paper or cloth from a larger sheet by cutting
cut out (2)
to stop doing something, such as eating fatty foods or gambling or taking drugs, usually in order to improve one's health or one's life
cut out (3) Informal
If you tell someone to "Cut it out!", you want them to stop doing something annoying.
cut up
to cut something into small pieces
One kind word can warm three winter months
An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year old highly educated son.
Suddenly a crow perched on their window.
The Father asked his Son, "What is this?"
The Son replied "It is a crow".
After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, "What is this?"
The Son said "Father, I have just now told you "It's a crow".
After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time, "What is this?"
At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the Son's tone when he said to his Father with a rebuff.
"It's a crow, a crow".
A little after, the Father again asked his Son t he 4th time, "What is this?"
This time the Son shouted at his Father, "Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again,
although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this?"
A little later the Father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained
since his Son was born. On opening a page, he asked his Son to read that page. When the son read it, the
following words were written in the diary: -
"Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window.
My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a Crow.
I hugged him lovingly each time h e asked me the same question again and again for 23 times.
I did not at all feel irritated. I rather felt affection for my innocent child".
While the little child asked him 23 times "What is this", the Father had felt no irritation
in replying to the same question all 23 times and when today the Father asked his Son the same question
just 4 times, the Son felt irritated and annoyed.
If your parents attain old age, do not repulse them or look at them as a burden, but speak to them
a gracious word, be cool, obedient, humble and kind to them. Be considerate to your parents.
>From today say this aloud, "I want to see my parents happy forever. They have cared for me ever since I was
a little child. They have always showered their selfless love on me. They crossed all mountains and valleys
without seeing the storm and heat to make me a person presentable in the society today".
Say a prayer to God, "I will serve my old parents in the BEST way. I will say all good and kind words
to my dear parents, no matter how they behave.
I hope In the Next birth(Rebirth)When I am old, My son U will not be irritated by me ...
when the crow perches on my window".
یک شنبه 14 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 8:15 :: نويسنده : saeid
In the nbame of GOD
The Bet (Anton Chekove)
It was a dark autumn night and the old banker was roaming side to side of his study, recalling in hid mind to rejoicing at the party.There were clever persons and authority . the iscussion was aound the punishments, whicch one of them was better or wrose than another one!
Life imprisonment or capital punishment?Most of them beleved that capital punishment should be eplaced universally by life imperisonment .
I don’t agree with you remarked the host. I myself have not experinced any one of them . Neither capital punishment nor life impriaonment, but in my opinion capital punishment is more moral and human than imprisonment.
An executioner kills you instantly , life imprisonment kills gradually. Who is the more human an executioner who kills you in a few seccounds or one who kills you continuously?
They are both equally immoral . mentioned one of the guestes. Because their purpose is the same. Both take your life. This state is not GOD.
Amoung the struggling , there was a lawyer , a young man of abuot 24years old, he said : Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral but if i want to select one of them i would rather select the secound one. It is better to live somehow than not to live entirely.
In a flash the banker who was younger , lost his temper , and banged his fist on the table , and cryed out : Do you ever know what areyou talking about? It is lie. I bet you two millions yopu can not patient in a cell even for five years!
If you serious, replied the lawyer man , not only i gonna do it for five years, but also i will do it for fifteen.
Here the banker mentioned : i bet two millions. Agreed said the lawyer.
During supper the banker said to the lawyer jokingly : come to your sence my friend, before it’s too late. Two millions are nothing to me , but you will lose three or four of the best years of your life. And i pity you.
And now the banker roaming from corner to corner , recalled the utterance and asked himself : why did i bet this bet? What’s the good?he gonna lose fifteen years of his life ,accordingly i will throw out two millions. Will the people realize capital punishment is worse or better than life imprisonment ?
Anyway , the lawyer man accepted to suffer his imprisonment under the strictest observation. The condition were beneath : he would be deprived of crossing th threshold. To see living the people , to hear human voices , and to recieve the letter and newspaper . then was accepted to have musical tool , to read books, to write letters , to drink wine and smoke tobacoo. He could do the communication but only in silent. So just for communicating he could do it with a crack of the window constructed for this purpose. The condition constructed by scrutinzed deatails. By the agreement it dtarted from 12 o’clock ofNovamber 14 th, 1870, to 12 o’clcock of Novamber 14 th .
During the first year he suffered lots of from the confinement, most of the time he heard the piano’s sound. He refused to use from the wine and tobacoo. He believed that the wine excite the desire and desire is the orginal enemy of a prisoner , so smoking tobacoo was the cause of the air pollution. And he was sent so many books in the light character , with a complicated love intterest , stories of crime and fantasty , comedies and so forth.
In the secound year , he avoided from to hear piano music and drinking plenty of wine and smokicng the tobacoo. Most of the people had imagined that he is drinking , eating and laying onhis bed all of the time.
In the second half of the sixth year he began sacrificly to study languages , philosophy , history. He had done these jobs hardly and the banker had not leisure time to buy ooks for him. In the space of rour yeras , he bought six hundered volumes books. It was while that kindness lasted that the banker received a letter from the prisoner : my darling prison’s officer , i’m writing these lines in six languages . Exhibit them to experts and outstanding persons. Let them read them. If they don’t find even one mistake , i appeal from you to give order two fires. By the noise i shall undersatnd that my efforts have not been usless.if you imagine what kind of sensation i find when i can speak and understabd in six languages. The prisoner desire was fulfilled. The banker to ordered two shots fire.
After the ten years , he sat unstirableand immovable behind the table and study only his statement. It was the cause of the banker surprising , because a person who has spent for years of his time for studying six hundered books , right now is spending just one year to study one book. After that the new testament replaced by the other books, such as theology and religious.
During the last two years of his confinement he read the extraordinary amount , quite accidently and haphazard. Now he would apply himself to the natural sciences. He would read the books of Bylon & shakespeare. He read as thuogh he were swimming in the sea amoung broken pieces of wrekage.
So the banker remmembered all this and thuoght:tomorrow at 12 oclock he receives his freedom, i shall have to pay him two millions. If i pay him i will ruin forever...
The banker had lost everything. Gambling on the stock exchange, risky speculation and the recklessness, that he could not rid himself even in old ages.
That hateful bet was whispering in his ears , and was clutching the old man. Why didn’t the man die? He gonna take my last life , enjoyment , and i shall hear some hilarious words from him every day. I’m pity on you , let me help you. The only way escape from bankruptcy is that the man should die.
The clock had just struck three. The banker was listening every one was asleep, all of trees were frozen . he did try that to make any noise. Then , he pulled out the keys from his pocket which had not been used during the fifteen years in the sack of opening the door. Put on his overcoat and went out of the house. The Weather was very cold, could not see neither the ground,nor the white statues, nor the garden wing, nor the trees.
Approaching the garden wings and called the watchnan, there was no answer. The weather was so much cold that he had gone to the shelter.
The old banker thought with himself, if i have the courage to fulfill my determination, definitly the watchman will get into suspicion.
In the darkness he scrabbled for his steps and the door and entered to the hall of the garden wing and scratch a match. There was no any body, anyone’s bed, with any clothes.stood there.for sometimes he knocked the window.there was no answer.
In the prisoner’s room a candle was burning slowly. The prisoner himself had sat on the table. Only his back, the hair on his head and his hands were visible. Open books were spread on the table. Fifeen years confinement had taught him to sit montionless. Any way he decided to enter.
After that he approach gradually him, there was a man but unlike to a human. When he touched , he had been like a skelton. The colour of his face was like yellow.
Poor evill, thought the old banker with himself. Probably he had been dreaming two millions. To take this half - dead body on the bed and suffocate him with a cushion. But first let us to read his paper :
He started to read it : tomorrow at 12 o’cclock midnight, i gonna get my freedom and mix with people,but befor i leave this room and see the sun, it necessary to say a few words to you. On my own clear conscinece , and before GOD who sees me , l have to mention that i dislike freedom,the life, the health, cand everythings that your books call blessing of the world.
For fifteen years i have studied earthly life. True , i saw neither the earth nor the people, but in your books i drank fragrant wine, hunted deer and wild animals in the jungels. In your books i climbed up the pinnacle of ELBORZ and saw how the sun is raising in the morning and is setting in the evening. And saw the ocean , the mountain ridges with a purple gold. And i saw from there how the clouds were dividing togather above of me.i saw the green jungels, fields, rivers , lakes,cities. I touches the wings of beautiful devils who came flying to me to speakof GOD...
Your books gae me wisdom. All that delightful human thaught created in the centries is compressed to a little lump in my skull. Everything is discarded, frail ,visionary and delusive as a mirage. Thaught you be prode and wise and beautiul, but finally you gonna die like the face of the earth like micce underground.
You are crazy and gone the wrong way. You have worn the sheeps’ clothes in the wolves’ skin. You would surprised and enthusiastic if the fruits of the orange and appel’s trees had born frogs and lizards. Or not if the roses’ perfume had been horses’ sweat.
Now i show you my humility indeed , but i belittle two millions which i dreamed in the paradise . i shall come out from here five minutes before the stipulated, so i shall violate the agreement.
Upon reading the letter ,the old banker put it on the table, kissing the head of the lawyer man wnd started to weep. He went out from the wing , he had not remebered by that time to have sense of the humility like this. Coming back home, lay bown on his bed , so tears didn’t let him to have a calm sleep.
The next morning the watch man came and said him that they had seen the prisoner climd through the window . he had gone and disappear. Immediately, the banker followed the watchman and designed the escape of the prisoner. After thet he intrrupted to exhibit the paper to anyone, and louked it for everlasting.
درباره وبلاگ neither i poet which make poem nor prophet so that miracle , i'm simple as simple as you with so much sins ,so give me right to have some mistake , to have some sins and to have a selection for my living , then in every step , i must think about my creature and deny evil who is always overcom by GOD آخرین مطالب پيوندها تبادل لینک هوشمند نويسندگان