انجمن مترجمان زبان انگلیسی
Write for you , from life time to time which takes me in its bitter and sweet embrace and dose not leave me , i love life with its problems so that loving GOD.

بوف کور،صادق هدايتblind owl

در زندگي زخمهايي هست که مثل خوره روح را آهسته در انزوا مي خورد و مي تراشد.

There are some wounds in the life ,as if they are like leprosy which scratch the spirit slowly.

اين دردها را نمي شود به کسي اظهار کرد ، چون عموماً عادت دارند که اين دردهاي باورنكردني را جزو

These wounds aren’t pretended , since typically habit to count these incredible wounds amount of

اتفاقات و پيش آمدهاي نادر و عجيب بشمارند و اگر کسي بگويد يا بنويسد ، مردم بر سبيل عقايد جاري و عقايد

Issues and odd circumstances ,so if any one says or writes , by conventional people attempt to express that

خودشان سعي ميكنند آنرا با لبخند شكاك و تمسخرآميز تلقي بكنند  زيرا بشر هنوز چاره و دوايي برايش پيدا

together doubtful and hilarious smell , because the human has not found such as remedies for them 

نكرده و تنها داروي آن فراموشي به توسط شراب و خواب مصنوعي بوسيله ي افيون و مواد مخدره است  ولي

And the only it’s remedy is oblivion by wine and hypnotism by the wizard and the fixes

افسوس آه تأثير اينگونه داروها موقت است و بجاي تسكين پس از مدتي بر شدت درد مي افزايد.

But sorry the effectivity of these materials are temporary, and instead of tranquility , so passing time increase it’s pain.

آيا روزي به اسرار اين اتفاقات ماوراء طبيعي ، اين انعكاس سايه ي روح که در حالت اغماء و برزخ بين خواب

Will someone  one day recover to this secret of extravagant incidents , which reflection of spirit’s shadow, between in coma and limbo medial sleep و بيداري جلوه ميكند ، کسي پي خواهد برد؟

                                            and wake demonstrates?

من فقط به شرح يكي از اين پيش آمدها مي پردازم که براي خودم اتفاق افتاده و به قدري مرا تكان داده که هرگز

I just express to one of this incidents that happened for myself and so much shook me that never

فراموش نخواهم کرد و نشان شوم آن تا زنده ام ، از روز ازل تا ابد تا آنجا که خارج از فهم و ادراك بشر است ،

Forget it and its sign will poison my life since everlost day until perpetuity so much far from out of human mind

زندگي مرا زهرآلود خواهد کرد  زهرآلود نوشتم ، ولي ميخواستم بگويم داغ آن را هميشه با خودم داشته و

by my survival time , I wrote toxic , so I wish to say I will have its pain permanently.

خواهم داشت.

من سعي خواهم کرد آنچه را که يادم هست ، آنچه را که از ارتباط وقايع در نظرم مانده بنويسم ، شايد بتوانم

I will try that write everything that I remember and remind everything of incidents connection in my mind, perhaps I can

راجع به آن يك قضاوت آلي بكنم ؛ نه ، فقط اطمينان حاصل بكنم و يا اصلاً خودم بتوانم باور بكنم  چون براي

Have an ideal judgment about it. No , just I assure and or I ever can believe because

من هيچ اهميتي ندارد آه ديگران باور بكنند يا نكنند  فقط ميترسم آه فردا بميرم و هنوز خودم را نشناخته باشم

It is not ever important for me that others rather believe it or not , but I fear that to die next day and don’t recognized myself yet.

 زيرا در طي تجربيات زندگي به اين مطلب برخوردم آه چه ورطه ي هولناآي ميان من و ديگران وجود دارد

Since I confronted with this noticed that there is what dire encumbrance between I and the others

و فهميدم آه تا ممكن است بايد خاموش شد ، تا ممكن است بايد افكار خودم را براي خودم نگه دارم و اگر حالا

And I understood must be calmed down as possible , and must maintain my thoughts for myself as possible and if right now

تصميم گرفتم آه بنويسم ، فقط براي اينست آه خودم را به سايه ام معرفي بكنم  سايه اي آه روي ديوار خميده و

I made decision to write , is for that to introduce myself to my shade , the shade which has bent on the wall

مثل اين است آه هر چه مينويسم با اشتهاي هر چه تمامتر مي بلعد  براي اوست آه ميخواهم آزمايشي بكنم:

And like that so much I write it swallows so much great appetite , and it is for it that I want to examine :

ببينم شايد بتوانيم يكديگر را بهتر بشناسيم. چون از زماني آه همه ي روابط خودم را با ديگران بريده ام ،

May be we can know together . because when I have cut my connection each other

ميخواهم خودم را بهتر بشناسم.

I want to know myself better.

افكار پوچ!  باشد ، ولي از هر حقيقتي بيشتر مرا شكنجه ميكند  آيا اين مردمي که شبيه من هستند ، که ظاهراً

The thoughts be empty , but torture more than every truth , so aren’t these people who like me and


احتياجات و هوا و هوس مرا دارند ، براي گول زدن من نيستند؟ آيا يك مشت سايه نيستند که فقط براي مسخره

Have my needs and fancy for cheating me? aren’t some shades which have created so that cheating me?

کردن و گول زدن من بوجود آمده اند؟ آيا آنچه که حس ميكنم ، مي بينم و ميسنجم سرتاسر موهوم نيست که با

Is not delusion every thing that I touch ,see and test,

حقيقت خيلي فرق دارد؟

So it is different with the truth?

من فقط براي سايه ي خودم مي نويسم که جلو چراغ به ديوار افتاده است ، بايد خودم را بهش معرفي بكنم.__

So I just write for my shadow that has shown in front of light, h have to introduce mnyself.

چهار شنبه 18 دی 1392برچسب:, :: 18:31 ::  نويسنده : saeid

چهار شنبه 18 دی 1392برچسب:, :: 10:33 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلامی دوباره به دوستای گلم ، عنوان زیر مربوط میشه به چهار نوع نامه نگاری مرسوم در زبان انگلیسی ، که مختص نامه های رسمی و غیر رسمی میشه ، به نوع نوشته هاش دقت کنین...........سعید

Full-blocked form



Mountainous, area of0242


November 20 , 2010



Mr. iman atayeei

Supervisor of elderhouse

Shohada of third street

Khoramdarreh  , areaof0242


Daer mr. atayeii


Subject: accepting new member


According to your advertisement in the last month, for accepting some people in order looking after them, and to deliver some their documents and identifications ,we have decided that to assign my aunt's observation you.


If there are some problems for her looking after, be supposed to inform me before , so I have before mentioned my aunt's conditions .while any one of us have not suitable condition for looking after hers, I hope you do requiring  corporation with us.


Affectionately yours





Saeid Ahmadpour





Blocked form

Iran khodro factory


Enghelab _street 4/5


                               April 17 ,2009



Mr. rahim salehi

Engineer of design

Avenue of 509




                      Subject : revision of quality


With caution of the quality's reduction , while the percent of produced cars in this factory are not suitable neither the quality nor fuel , I decided to send this letter for you.


I will satisfy that if I can  help you in designing new cars, because I have reached  to new technology which can definitely bring up both your qualities and fuel.


Because the competition between car's factories day to day is increasing , I hope that have been done lots of remarkable help.


                                    Sincerely yours,


                                        Engineer of Design



        Semi-Blocked form

Iran khodro factory


Enghelab _street 4/5


                                                                                           April 17 ,2009



Mr. rahim salehi

Engineer of design

Avenue of 509




                      Subject : revision of quality


          With caution of the quality's reduction , while the percent of produced cars in this factory are not suitable neither the quality nor fuel , I decided to send this letter for you.


          I will satisfy that if I can  help you in designing new cars, because I have reached  to new technology which can definitely bring up both your qualities and fuel.


          Because the competition between car's factories day to day is increasing , I hope that have been done lots of remarkable help.


                                    Sincerely yours,


                                        Engineer of Design



square-blocked form



Mountainous, area of0242



Mr. iman atayeei                                                                                     November 20 , 2010

Supervisor of elderhouse

Shohada of third street

Khoramdarreh  , areaof0242


Daer mr. atayeii


                         SUBJECT : ACCERTING  NEW  MEMBER 


According to your advertisement in the last month, for accepting some people in order looking after them, and to deliver some their documents and identifications ,we have decided that to assign my aunt's observation you.


If there are some problems for her looking after, be supposed to inform me before , so I have before mentioned my aunt's conditions .while any one of us have not suitable condition for looking after hers, I hope you do requiring  corporation with us.


Affectionately yours





Saeid Ahmadpour                                                                                                            SA/ia 






        Simplified form

Iran khodro factory


Enghelab _street 4/5


April 17 ,2009 



Mr. rahim salehi

Engineer of design

Avenue of 509




With caution of the quality's reduction , while the percent of produced     cars in this factory are not suitable neither the quality nor fuel , I decided to send this letter for you.


I will satisfy that if I can  help you in designing new cars, because I have reached  to new technology which can definitely bring up both your qualities and fuel.


 Because the competition between car's factories day to day is increasing , I hope that have been done lots of remarkable help.



 Engineer of Design  






Square-blocked form


All provinces

Area 098



All of the bank's principles                                                                              August22 ,2010

Boss of the central bank

Tehran, central office

Area 098


Dear supervisors


                          SUBJECT : CAUTION  ABOUT  ABUSES


Remarkable all of the bank's supervisors of iran ;according to observations of some neglects and non-attentions in some banks specially in the north area of iran, not only the bosses of the banks but all the personals also must have extreme accuracy in accepting and paying the payments .


We hope with this cautions have lots of reductions  in abuses of the payments.


Sincerely yours,





Boss of the Central bank                                                                         BJ/bs

























درباره وبلاگ

neither i poet which make poem nor prophet so that miracle , i'm simple as simple as you with so much sins ,so give me right to have some mistake , to have some sins and to have a selection for my living , then in every step , i must think about my creature and deny evil who is always overcom by GOD
آخرین مطالب

تبادل لینک هوشمند
برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان انجمن مترجمان زبان انگلیسی و آدرس interpreter.LXB.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.


نام :
وب :
پیام :

خبرنامه وب سایت:

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بازدید امروز : 1
بازدید دیروز : 2
بازدید هفته : 6
بازدید ماه : 92
بازدید کل : 13830
تعداد مطالب : 46
تعداد نظرات : 0
تعداد آنلاین : 1

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