انجمن مترجمان زبان انگلیسی
Write for you , from life time to time which takes me in its bitter and sweet embrace and dose not leave me , i love life with its problems so that loving GOD.
چهار شنبه 27 بهمن 1395برچسب:دل نوشته ها , :: 12:11 ::  نويسنده : saeid

به نام خدا


جمله هایی دارم که می خواهم ساده بنویسم و دیگران ساده بخوانند و ساده درکم کنند ،

i have some sentences which would like to write simply and others read simply and beleive me simply too,

نمی دانم چرا شاید به خاطر فشار زندگی و شاید حرف های نگفته که در دل مانده و هر چه

i don't know why so for the life's pressure and so untold expressions that have سbeen stayed in the heart and ever  

در زندگی غرق می شوم انگار بیشتر زخم های کاریش مرا به انزوا می کشاند ، وقتی از درد می گویم بی اختیار

bussy in life, ever it's chronic injures solitate retreat me, when i talk about the pain, involuntary

 واژه های نا امید کننده به ذهن می آید و مستاصل می شوم که آنها را به زبان نیاورم ، واین واژه جمله های ابتدایی

reminds hopless words in mind and prostrate that don't explain them. and this word reminds the first sentences

کتاب "بوف کور" صادق هدایت را برایم تداعی میکند .

of"blind owl" SADEGH HEDAYAT's book for me.

درد را از هر سو که بخوانی درد است ، و چه بد است مردی را ملاقات کنی که به نان شب محتاج است و تو در

if is readed the "PAIN" word in every side it has own mean, and so much bad meet a man who needs to his night bresd and you

آرامش و رفاه سر بر بالش نهاده و تا صبح خوابهای روان ببینی ، و بگویم و ساده بنگرم اما نه اینبار عمیقا در فکر فرو

be in the safe and convenience and your head lays on the cusion and see dreams so far moorning , and say and observe simply but no that time think




روم و جوان تحصیل کرده را ببینم که یافتن شغلی برایش سرابی بیش نبوده در حالیکه خودم را از خدا فارغ می بینم

deeply and see a young educated man that finding a job has not been but a mirage while i keep separate from GOD

 و حامیم را مخلوقی خوار و پست میدانم ، در اداره غرق در رویاهای خودی بوده و سر ماه نرسیده دستمزدی را که

and imagine my supporter as an abject creature , sink in my dream in the office and yet not finish the end of the month

بیش از حقوق واقعی است در حساب بنگرم .

watch y extraordinary salary in my account.


 بسیار ناراحت کننده است که خودم را در سایه ها گم کنم ، حقیقت را کتمان کرده و فقط به فکر خودم باشم ،

it is so much miserable that i lose myself in the shadows , hide the truth and just think about myself,

 آخر مگر به حقیقت چه شده است! از چه می هراسم ؟ شاید فکر از دست دادن هوسهای زودگذر دنیوی و راحت

what's happen for the truth! what scare from? maybe thinking about losing secular temporary temptations and

طلبی های روزانه ام مرا به این روز انداخته.

my daily indolences have been acted me.


و من خوب می دانم که دیوانگی یعنی انجام متداوم یک کار بدون تغییرات و انتظار داشتن نتیجه ای متفاوت ، ولی

and i know that "the lunatic"namely do an action repatedly without chnges and to expect different result, but

با این حال باز آن را تکرار می کنم . می دانی اخیرا واژه کمک کردن دیگر در میان مردم اعتبارش را از دست داده

i repeat that anyway. you know , recently "helping" word has been ever lost it's account between people

و ظاهرا حر ف از جوانمردی زدن بیهوده است .

and talking about  the "fair" is fruitful apparently.

حرف از تاریکی که می شود ، بی اختیار روحم در انزوا کشیده می شود و امیدهایم را تحت شعاع خود قرار می

during talking about the "darkness" my soul is retreated and impress my will and wishes.

دهد . تا تاریکی نباشد ، نور و امید معنایی ندارد و من خودرا بیشتر مستعد این می دانم که تاریکی هایم در زندگی

when there is not the darkness , light and hope don't mean and i so much susciptible that my darkness are more than hopes in the life.

 بیش از امیدهایم باشند. خیلی مانده تا خود را بشناسم و این بیش از هر چیز دیگری آزارم میدهد.

so long knowing myself and this matter bothers me more than any things.

برای دوباره احیا شدن انگیزه می خواهم ، برای اینکه فرصت زندگی را غنیمت بدانم و عمرم را در پس حسرتها

i want to be motivated for revival , for prize the opportunity of the life and don't pass my life bhind of the regrets  

نگذرانم ، من چه می دانم از خودم و می ترسم مرگ یادم کند و هنوز خود را نشناخته باشم و چه درماندگی از این بدتر که انسان خود را نشناسد.

what do i know about myself and scare of the death and havn'd already known myself and what so much disaster worst that the human dosn't know himself.

عشق به آدمی معنا می دهد وقتی که لحظه های شادت را با همه تقسیم می کنی و چه بی معنا می کند لحظه های

the love means to the human , when you divide your happy time with anyone and so musch ridiculous

تنهایی که هیچ کس سراغت را نمی گیرد و در انزوا می پوسی. درد یکی دوتا نیست از هر چه که بگویی جای

happen your lonely times when any one dosen't look for you and spoil in the solitude. the pain is not "one or two" if you talk about one , penetrates in the another place


دیگری درز می کند و آن یکی می ماند ... دنیای بی خودی شده این روزها نه دل خوش به زنده ماندنم و نه دل

and the next one is remained... the world has been unfruitful , neither to live nor to die

خوش به مردن اما امید تنها واژه موفقیت است.

yet the "hope" word is the only successful word.

بدی هایم را جز خدا کسی خریدار نیست و این درحالی است که همیشه شرمنده او هستم و چیزی در ازایش ندارم

any one dosen't buy my evils except my GOD and this happens while i am embarrassed of him and have not any thing so that deliver him.

که تحویلش دهم . هر از گاهی می خواهم با عشق و علاقه بنویسم اما پاره ای از اتفاقات ذهنم را در گیر خودش می

sometimese i would like to write lovely and intrestingly but some of the incidence involves my mind to itself.

کند و چاره ای جز بستن صفحه حوادث روزانه ام ندارم. عمر می گذرد اما دریغا ...

and there is not any solution but closing my daily events page. the is passing but pity on...

بسیار تلاش کرده ام که فارغ ازاین دنیا و مردمانش باشم اما فکر زندگی و ادامه دادنش دوباره برایم ماجرای

i have been more tried thet be seperated from this world and it's people and thinking about the life and it's progressing have been done the same circumstance.

همیشگی را رقم زده است . همیشه یک حس خوب به من اعلان می دارد که امید داشته باشم و منشا آن را جز خدا

always a good sense aware me that have the hope and i don't know it's sourse but GOD.

نمی دانم.

نمی دانم چرا ولی همیشه سخت ترین ضربه را ازکسی می خوری که خیلی دوستش داری و این همان قانون زندگی

i don't know why , but you always was hited whom so much love hers and this is the same law of the life

است و انکار ناپذیر است . برای من اثبات حقایق خیلی مشکل تر از انکار آن است و همیشه دوست دارم چشمانم را

and is undeniable. to prove the truths is so much hard for me rather than to deny them and i always close my eyes

ببندم و هیچ نبینم و یا حداقل حقیقت را نادیده بگیرم اما افسوس که نمی شود و این حقیقت است که همواره پیروز

and don't see anything or at least pass over the truth yet can not be done and this the "truth" is always winner.

می شود. گریه ام میگیرد وقتی خوبی مردمانی را می بینم که از مال دنیا هیچ ندارند و در مقابل، فخر آدمهای دنیا

i get cry when i see people's excellency of haven't any things in the world and visa versa , challenge me

پرست هم مرا به چالش می کشد وآخر سر کدامین را انتخاب کنم خوب است؟

prode of tactful people and at last which one i choice is good ?


برای دست یافتن به موفقیت باید ایمان داشت ، گاهی اوقات چیزهایی را در زندگی می یابیم که واهی به نظر می

achieving to the success must have the belief , aometime find aomethings in the life which seem unrealistic and

رسند و سرابی بیش نیستند اما اگر ایمان به قدر کافی باشد همان اکسیر کامیابیست.

aren't anything but mirage , yet if the belief be so enough, will be the same panacea of the success.


همه ما زنده ایم به خاطر هدفی که داریم وایمانی که داریم و همگی برای دستیابی به آن در تلاشیم وخداوند همیشه

all of us are alive because the goal we have and are trying to achieve that and GOD allways

پشت و پناه کسی است که به خاطر ایمانش می جنگد.

supports who is fought for his /her belife.

فاصله گرفتن از دنیای حقیقی برایم مهم است چون آن چیزی که در حقیقت پیدا می شود ممکن است در دنیای

to distance from the real world is important for me since the same thing to be found in the truth , maybe to be seemed another thing

مجازی طور دیگری به نظر آید و همیشه مفهوم حقیقت دردناک تر از انکار آن است ، تا بوده همین بوده. کاش می

in the unreal world and the truth's conception is allways most painful than it's denying , be it so , if only

شد کل دردهایم را با خوردن یک قرص کوچک پاک کنم ، اما افسوس هر چه که زمان می گذرد دردم کاری تر

i would clean all of the pains use to a little pill , but so much pity as long as passing the time , the pain is become worse


می شود و و التیامی برایش نمی یابم. خواب باشم یا که بیدار به هر حال واقعیتی است که باید بپذیرم .

and don't find any redress for it . whether or not to be slept, any way the fact that must be accepted .

دلهای ناخالص با تعیین حد و مرز از همدیگر فاصله می گیرند . گاهی اوقات که به پشت سر نگاه کنی درک میکنی

non-pure hearts take distance from each others with determining the limitation and the bound . some times , if you observe behind of yourself , will

که بدترین اتفاق در درست ترین زمان ممکن اتفاق می افتد من نمی خواهم بدبین باشم اما به خدایی اعتقاد دارم که

consider that the most worst incident happens in the best time , i don't want to be pessimistic but i beleive in GOD

اگر ذهن خطاکارم را به اعتراف وا دارم بلا شک

who supports his the most sinful of his creatures even in the worst condition . if i enforce my sinful mind to confess ,

محکوم به فنا خواهم بود ، و خداوند چگونه بنده خطاکارش را می بخشد در حالیکه من خودم را لایق بخشش نمی دانم.





جمعه 28 اسفند 1394برچسب:, :: 23:36 ::  نويسنده : saeid


جمعه 30 بهمن 1394برچسب:, :: 12:19 ::  نويسنده : saeid

When you solicit my "abstinence" with your ripe fruits' lips , i think i had justified to my father that had been saying an unlawful fruit is always sweeter .

وقتی با میوه رسیده لبهایت ، " پرهیزم " را به وسوسه می گیری ، به پدرم حق می دادم که دائم می گفت میوه حرام شیرین تر است 





Auspicious , is having someone who loves yourself more than himself , and dosen't want any things more than yourself .

خوشبختی داشتن کسی است که بیشتر از خود ، خودتان را بخواهد و بیشتر از شما هیچ نخواهد . 


شخصی که انتظار دارید  بیشتر وقتش را صرف زندگیتان کند ، خود شمایید ،پس بهتر است که در تلاش این باشید که تا حد امکان خودتان را علاقه مند به زندگی نشان دهید .

خطرناک ترین ریسک در کل ، صرف کردن اوقات زندگی به خاطر انجام ندادن چیزی است که شما شرط بسته اید بتوانید خودتان آزادی را بخرید .



راحت طلبی دشمن دستاورد است .


بالا رفتن از کوه به منزله این نیست که جهان شما را ببیند ، بلکه به این منظور است که شما دنیا را ببینید.




The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are some sentences that can give us power to go on. We have sorted out 10 powerful sentences that can change your life for the better.

تاثیر یک جمله چشمگیر است . یک جمله منفی گرا و مخرب می تواند زندگی شخصی را تخریب کرده ، یا روزی جدید برایتان بنا نهاده ، یا سلیقه و رفتارتان را متحول کند . خوشبختانه ، برخی از جملاتی که می توانند به ما قدرت پیشروی بدهند وجود دارند . ما 10 جمله فوق العاده را می توانند زندگیتان را به شرایط بهتری تغییر دهند ، طبقه بندی کرده ایم :


1. Sometimes, it is necessary to hit bottom in order to realize the major changes that will trigger change and bring new life.

1:گاهی وقتها نیاز است که پایه را بشکنی ،به منظور درک اهمیت تحولاتی که برانگیخته خواهد شد و زندگی نوینی را به وجود خواهد آورد .


2. Having confidence and believing in yourself is paramount for success to come. If you don’t have the confidence to believe in yourself, fake it until you make it.

2:داشتن اعتماد به نفس و اتکا به خود شاخص والایی برای موفقیت است .اگر برای باور خودتان اعتماد به نفس نداشته باشید ،وانمود کنید که آنرا دارید تا در خودتان ایجاد شود .







3. Avoid following the crowd and be bold enough to believe that you can change the crowd.


3:از ازدحام و شلوغی پرهیز کنید و جسور و بی باک باشید و بسنده کنید به اعتقادی که شما را بتواند در میان ازدحام متحول کند .


4. Create a set of values and follow them through your life. Be unique — this is what truly makes you human.

4:جدولی از فعالیت های با ارزش مهیا کرده و آنها را ما بین زندگیتان بگنجانید . یکی باشید - این چیزی است که یه راستی شما را یک انسان می کند. 



5. Success is no more than the result of consistency and lots of small work. Draw goals, be consistent and keep working towards them.



چهار شنبه 8 مهر 1394برچسب:, :: 11:55 ::  نويسنده : saeid

به درخت نگاه کن...

قبل از اینکه شاخه هایش زیبایی نور را لمس کند

ریشه هایش تاریکی را لمس کرده...

گاه برای رسیدن به نور،باید از تاریکی ها گذر کرد...

Look at the tree...

before touching it's branches by sunlight , it's roots have touched the darkness...

sometimes must be crossed from the darkness so that catching the sunlight...

گاهی وقتها با تمامی کوچکی می توان تکیه گاه بود

sometimes can be as a shelter against being small...








خداوندا...با تمامی وجود گناه کردم ، تو را شاهد اعمال خود دیددم و باز گناه کردم چه حکمتی است که تو هر لحظه به دادم می رسی  و جواب خوبیت را با گناه می دهم ، اگر مومن حقیقیت بودم چه میکردی...دوستت دارم .

my GOD... i do sin and a sinful person, i saw you as an evidence but do sin , what's the knowledge so save me any time and so i responded sinfuly again , What had you done if i was as your real muslim... 


دو شنبه 30 شهريور 1394برچسب:, :: 13:24 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلامی دوباره، بی مقدمه بگم از ک÷ی و ÷یست کردن مطالب متنفرم فقط مطالب زی رو واستون از سایت خارجی ک÷ی کردم فقط محض یادگیری بهتر اصطلاحات ، در ضمن اگه وقت کردم حتما معادل های فارسیشونو واستون میذارم ، هر چند میدونم خودتون اونقد باهوشین که حدس بزنین...  به امید دیدار 


Smart Idioms

A hot potato

Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed

A penny for your thoughts

A way of asking what someone is thinking

Actions speak louder than words

People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.

Add insult to injury

To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.

An arm and a leg

Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money.

At the drop of a hat

Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly.

Back to the drawing board

When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.

Ball is in your court

It is up to you to make the next decision or step

Barking up the wrong tree

Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person

Be glad to see the back of

Be happy when a person leaves.

Beat around the bush

Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.

Best of both worlds

Meaning: All the advantages.

Best thing since sliced bread

A good invention or innovation. A good idea or plan.

Bite off more than you can chew

To take on a task that is way to big.

Blessing in disguise

Something good that isn't recognized at first.

Burn the midnight oil

To work late into the night, alluding to the time before electric lighting.

Can't judge a book by its cover

Cannot judge something primarily on appearance.

Caught between two stools

When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives.

Costs an arm and a leg

This idiom is used when something is very expensive.

Cross that bridge when you come to it

Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before.

Cry over spilt milk

When you complain about a loss from the past.

Curiosity killed the cat

Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.

Cut corners

When something is done badly to save money.

Cut the mustard [possibly derived from "cut the muster"]

To succeed; to come up to expectations; adequate enough to compete or participate

Devil's Advocate

To present a counter argument

Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched

This idiom is used to express "Don't make plans for something that might not happen".

Don't give up the day job

You are not very good at something. You could definitely not do it professionally.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Do not put all your resources in one possibility.

Drastic times call for drastic measures

When you are extremely desperate you need to take drastic actions.

Elvis has left the building

The show has come to an end. It's all over.

Every cloud has a silver lining

Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.

Far cry from

Very different from.

Feel a bit under the weather

Meaning: Feeling slightly ill.

Give the benefit of the doubt

Believe someone's statement, without proof.



Hit the nail on the head

Do or say something exactly right

Hit the sack / sheets / hay

To go to bed.


It takes two to tango

Actions or communications need more than one person

Jump on the bandwagon

Join a popular trend or activity.

Keep something at bay

Keep something away.

Kill two birds with one stone

This idiom means, to accomplish two different things at the same time.

Last straw

The final problem in a series of problems.

Let sleeping dogs lie

Meaning - do not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications.

Let the cat out of the bag

To share information that was previously concealed

Make a long story short

Come to the point - leave out details

Method to my madness

An assertion that, despite one's approach seeming random, there actually is structure to it.

Miss the boat

This idiom is used to say that someone missed his or her chance

Not a spark of decency

Meaning: No manners

Not playing with a full deck

Someone who lacks intelligence.

Off one's rocker

Crazy, demented, out of one's mind, in a confused or befuddled state of mind, senile.

On the ball

When someone understands the situation well.

Once in a blue moon

Meaning: Happens very rarely.

Picture paints a thousand words

A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.

Piece of cake

A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple.

Put wool over other people's eyes

This means to deceive someone into thinking well of them.

See eye to eye

This idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something.

Sit on the fence

This is used when someone does not want to choose or make a decision.

Speak of the devil!

This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives.

Steal someone's thunder

To take the credit for something someone else did.

Take with a grain of salt

This means not to take what someone says too seriously.

Taste of your own medicine

Means that something happens to you, or is done to you, that you have done to someone else

To hear something straight from the horse's mouth

To hear something from the authoritative source.

Whole nine yards

Everything. All of it.

Wouldn't be caught dead

Would never like to do something

Your guess is as good as mine

To have no idea, do not know the answer to a question

سه شنبه 24 شهريور 1394برچسب:, :: 13:6 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلامی دوباره به تمامی دوستان گلم...

یه پیشنهاد به تمامی دوستان اگه می خوان انگلیسی رو به صورت حرفه ای دنبال کنن...

در زبان انگلیسی همانند زبان مادریمون پاره ای از اصطلاحات به کا میره که در اصل شاید مشکل به نظر برسه ولی اگه به طور اصول یاد گرفته بشن میتونه به زیبایی کلام اضافه شه ، این گونه اصطلاحات به عنوان IDIOMS شناخته میشن ... برای درک بهتر این مطلب من یه ÷یشنهاد دارم که میتونین آموزش تصویری داشته باشین چون تنها راه یادگیری بهتر اینگونه اصطلاحات فقط آموزش و تصویر سازیه به عکسهای زیر توجه کنین...ش





سه شنبه 17 شهريور 1394برچسب:, :: 10:38 ::  نويسنده : saeid

مهربانترین قلبها همیشه در ناملایمات میشکنند ، صدا ندارند ولی از درون شکافته می شوند بی ریا باش تا جایی که می توانی ،خداوند اینگونه آدمی را دوست دارد ...

The most love hearts allways break in the problems, have not voice so crake in the inside , be sincere as long as you can , GOD loves like this...

تقدیم به تمامی دوستان گلم 

چهار شنبه 8 بهمن 1393برچسب:, :: 11:44 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام به تمامی دوستان گلم: دوستان دارم واسه ارشد می خونم واسم دعا کنید انشاالله بعد امتحان وبلاگ با مطالب حرفه ای تر آپ می شه :

خدایا مرا از خاک آفریدی و دوباره به خاک برخواهم گشت مرا  اسیر غرورم مگردان و همواره حامیم باش تا حامی ستمدیدگان باشم...

GOD; created me from the dust and i shall return to the dust don't captive me in my pride ,  shelter me so that i shelter miserables ...

چهار شنبه 17 دی 1393برچسب:, :: 13:44 ::  نويسنده : saeid

The Monkey and the Fishermen

A Monkey perched upon a lofty tree saw some Fishermen casting their nets into a river, and narrowly watched their proceedings. The Fishermen after a while gave up fishing, and on going home to dinner left their nets upon the bank. The Monkey, who is the most imitative of animals, descended from the treetop and endeavored to do as they had done. Having handled the net, he threw it into the river, but became tangled in the meshes and drowned. With his last breath he said to himself, "I am rightly served; for what business had I who had never handled a net to try and catch fish?'

میمون و ماهیگیر

میمونی روی شاخه کنده درخت اره شده ای که برخی از ماهیگیران آنرا برای ماهیگیری استفاده می کنند پناه گرفت

و به طور دقیق کار ماهیگیری را دنبال کرد. مرد ماهیگیر بعد از مدتی کارش را رها کرد برای صرف شام به خانه رفت. میمون که مقلدترین حیوان به شمار می رود ، از شاخه پایین جست و سعی کرد همان کاری را انجام دهد که مرد ماهیگیر می کرد.تور را به دستش گرفت ، و آنرا به داخل رودخانه پرتاب کرد ، اما گرفتار سوراخ های تور گردید و به داخل رودخانه افتاد ، با آخرین نفسی که میزد با خود گفت :من به درستی کارم را انجام دادم ،پس برای چه مردی که تور را هرگز به دست نگرفته ماهی می گیرد و من نمیگیرم؟

point of view : third person


دو شنبه 1 دی 1393برچسب:, :: 15:50 ::  نويسنده : saeid

جمالت آفتاب هر نظر باد
ز خوبی روی خوبت خوبتر باد
همای زلف شاهين شهپرت را
دل شاهان عالم زير پر باد
کسی کو بسته زلفت نباشد
چو زلفت درهم و زير و زبر باد
دلی کو عاشق رويت نباشد
هميشه غرقه در خون جگر باد
بتا چون غمزه ات ناوک فشاند
دل مجروح من پيشش سپر باد
چو لعل شکرينت بوسه بخشد
مذاق جان من ز او پرشکر باد
مرا از توست هر دم تازه عشقی
تو را هر ساعتی حسنی دگر باد
به جان مشتاق روی توست حافظ
تو را در حال مشتاقان نظر باد

The sun of every vision, Thy beauty be
More beautiful than the beauty, Thy beautiful face be.
Of the Homa of Thy tress, the falcon of long-wing feather,
Beneath the wing, the heart of the kings of the world be!
To Thy tress, that one who is not attracted:
Like Thy tress, tossed and confused be.
Of Thy face, that heart that is not the lover,
In liver-blood, ever drowned be.
O idol! When Thy glance casteth the arrow
Before it, my wounded heart, the shield be.
When Thy sugary ruby giveth the kiss
From it, the taste of my life, full of sugar be.
Momently mine, is a great fresh love for Thee:
Hourly, Thine another great beauty be!
With soul, Hafez is desirous of Thy face.
On the state of desirous ones, Thy glance be


چهار شنبه 16 مهر 1393برچسب:, :: 12:59 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام به تمامی دوستان عزیز ، عنوان زیر رو به دل نوشته های صادق هدایت که ترجمه خودم هست اختصاص دادم...

تنها مرگ است که دروغ نمی گوید:

It is only death dosen’t tell lie :  

عشق چیست؟ برای همه رجاله ها یک هرزگی  یک ولنگاری موقتی است . عشق رجاله ها را باید در تصنیفهای هرزه و فحشا و اصطلاحات رکیک که در عالم مستی و هشیاری تکرار میکنند پیدا کرد .

Whta’s the love ? for all of the men  is an obscenity and temporary tramp  .men love must be found in obscene and prostitution groups and insult items which make repeat in conscious and unconscious .


در زندگی زخم هایی هست كه مثل خوره روح آدم را آهسته در انزوا می خورد و می تراشد. این دردها را نمی شود به کسی اظهار کرد چون عموما عادت دارند این درددهای باور نکردنی را جزو اتفاقات و پیش آمدهای نادر و عجیب بشمرند  و اگر کسی بگوید یا بنویسد مردم بر سبیل عقاید جاری و عقاید خودشان سعی می کنند آنرا با لبخند شکاک و تمسخرامیز تلقی بکنند .


زنان به سه مرد نیاز دارند:

Women need to three men :

مردی برای عشق ورزیدن ، مردی برای نیاز جنسی و مردی برای آزردن

First for get in love , second for sexuality and third for bothering .

اما مردان هنرمند می دانند که با عهده دار شدن هر سه نقش می توان زنان را از دو نفر دیگر بی نیاز کرد.

But men know with take every three tolls can be freed from the both others .

فقط با سایه ی خودم خوب میتوانم حرف بزنم ، اوست كه مرا وادار به حرف زدن می كند ، فقط او میتواند مرا بشناسد ، او حتماً می فهمد ... می خواهم عصاره ، نه ، شراب تلخ زندگی خودم را چكه چكه در گلوی خشك سایه ام چكانیده به او بگویم:
i can talk only with my shadow , it is which force me to talk , just it can recognize me , it understands definitely ...i want to drop the extract , no , biting my life wine leak leak in my shadow’s dry throat and say :
" ایــن زنـــــدگــــی ِ مـن اســت ! "

This is my life

مرگ، همه هستی ها را به یک چشم نگریسته و سرنوشت آنها را یکسان میکند نه توانگر می شناسد و نه گدا.

The death observes every thing in one sight and assimilates their fate and dose not know .neither poor nor and wealthy ,


مرگ، مادر مهربانی است که بچه ی خود را پس از یک روز طوفانی در آغوش کشیده، نوازش میکند و می خواباند.

The death is a kind mother which embrace her baby after a stormy day and strokes and then suppresses .


مرگ بهترین پناه دردها و غمها و رنج ها و بیدادگری های زندگانی است.

The death is the best shelter of pains and suffers and injustices of the life.


انسان چهره مرگ را ترسناک کرده و از آن گریزان است.

Human has scared face of the death and elusive it.


ما بچه مرگ هستیم و مرگ است که ما را از فریب های زندگانی نجات می دهد.

We are the child of the death and it saves us from the life’s temptations.


اگر مرگ نبود فریادهای نا امیدی به آسمان بلند می شد، به طبیعت نفرین می فرستاد.

If there was not death,it would disappointed  cries to the sky, and had cussed to the nature .


من همیشه گمان میکردم که خاموشی بهترین چیزهاست .گمان میکردم که بهتر است آدم مثل بوتیمار کنار دریا بال و پر خود را بگستراند وتنها بنشیند.ولی حالا دیگر دست خودم نیست چون آنچه نباید بشود شد...حالا میخواهم سرتاسر زندگی خودم را مانند خوشه انگور در دستم بفشارم و عصاره آنرا.نه. شراب آنرا قطره قطره در گلوی خشک سایه ام مثل آب تربت بچکانم .............

I had always thought that the silent is the best things. Thought it is better human spreads his wings beside of the sea and sit alone. But i have not any choice right now , since happened any thing which shouldn’t happen , done... now i want to squeeze all of my life like a cluster of grape and drop it’s extract , no , it’s wine similar to dust water in my dry shadow throat ...


دو شنبه 23 تير 1393برچسب:, :: 15:22 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام به دوستای عزیز امیدوارم روزه هاتون مقبول درگاه احدیت باشه ، عنوان زیرو به جملات زیبای فلسفی اختصاص دادم ، امیدوارم خوشتون بیاد...




“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.” | William W. Purkey

برقصید ، گویی که کسی شما را نمی بیند ، عشق بورزید گویی که کسی هرگز به شما صدمه نخواهد رساند، بخوانید گویی که کسی صدای شما را نمی شنود ، و زندگی کنید طوری که افلاک روی زمین هستند  .          ویلیام پرگی

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” | Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn

نقص زیباست ، دیوانگی نبوغ است ، و بهتر است کاملا مضحک باشیم تا اینکه کاملا خسته و رنجور به نظر برسیم

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” | Shel Silverstein


“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” | Audrey Hepburn

به رنگ صورتی اعتقاد دارم ، به خنده که بهترین سوزاننده کالری است معتقدم. به بوسه ، بوسه های زیاد اعتقاد دارم . به قوی بودن هنگامی که هر چیزی به نظر مرسد که اشتباهی است اعتقاد دارم . من باور دارم که زیباترین دختران ، دختران شادند .من ایمان دارم که فردا روز دیگری است و به معجزات معتقدم .   آدری هپوبرن

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” |  Marianne Williamson, Return to Love

عمیق ترین ترسمان این نیست که ما بی لیاقت هستیم . عمیق ترین ترسمان این است که قدرتمان فراتر از اندازه می باشد. این روشنی ماست نه تاریکیمان که موحش ترین احساس ماست .از خودمان بپرسیم ، آیا من کسی هستم که عالی ، بخشنده ، بااستعداد و افسانه ای باشم؟ در واقع ، من چه کسی هستم که نمی توانم باشم ؟  ماریان ویلیامسون

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” | Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

و زمانیکه شما قصد چیزهایی را دارید ، تمام دنیا در کمک به شما دسیسه می کند تا شما آن را بدست آورید.    پائولو کولهو


“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” | Jack Kerouac, On the Road

“Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.” | Emily Dickinson


“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” | Ralph Waldo Emerson



“None but ourselves can free our minds.” | Bob Marley

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” | F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” | Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

سادگی ، صبر و مهربانی. این سه چیز بزرگترین گنجینه های شماست.سادگی در عمل و افکار ، شما را به سرچشمه بودنتان باز می گرداند. مدارا نمودن با دوستان و دشمنان ، شما را با شیوه اشیا که موجودند تطابق می دهد .مهربانی در برابر خودتان ، شما را با همه بودنتان در جهان آشتی می دهد.

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” | William G.T. Shedd

یک کشتی در بندر امن است ، اما به معنای آن نیست که کشتی ها برای چه ساخته شده اند.

یک شنبه 22 تير 1393برچسب:, :: 14:26 ::  نويسنده : saeid


most beautiful sentences
زیباترین جملات
When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
هنگامیکه در شادی بسته است ، درهای دیگر بازند ، اما اغلب چنان به درهای بسته خیره می مانیم که درهای باز دیگر را نمی بینیم.
If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them.

اگر مردم درتلاش پایین کشیدن شما هستند ، تنها بدین معناست که شما سرتر از آنهایید

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: Not going all the way and not starting:Buddha

دو اشتباه وجود دارد که هرشخصی می تواند در طول جاده راستی و حقیقت مرتکب شود ، طی نکردن تمانی راه و شروع نکردن.              بودا

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.

از زندگی خودتان لذت ببرید بدون مقایسه آن با زندگی دیگران.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

بهترین و زیباترین چیزها در دنیا نمی توانند دیده ویا حتی لمس شوند ، آنها می بایست توسط قلب حس شوند.

'Live and let live' is the most meaningful and beautiful idiom ( I do not know if it can be considered a phrase) I have ever read.

زندگی کن و بگذار زندگی کنند ، پر معناترین و زیبا ترین اصطلاحی که تا به حال خوانده ام

'Be the change you want to see in the world.' - Ghandi. I try to live by this. But it's hard sometimes!

تغییری باشید که شما در دنیا می خواهید ببینید من تلاش کردم که به اینگونه زندگی کنم ، اما گاهی اوقات سخت است .  گاندی

The tongues of mocking wenches are as keen
As is the razor's edge invisible,
Cutting a smaller hair than may be seen,
Above the sense of sense;

زبان هایی که دختران جوان را به استهزا می گیرند برنده هستند

گویی به سان یک لبه نامرئی یک تیغ

ممکن است کوچکتر از برش مو دیده شود

بالاتر از درک و حس



Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.

درنگ برای اتفاقات پیرامونمان که می دانیم هرگز اتفاق نمی افتند سخت است ، اما سخت تر از آن رها کردن چیزی است که شما طالب آن هستید.

Do not wait to give you the meaning of life, give you life meaning.


"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."

Mother Teresa

اجازه دهید همیشه همدیگر را با لبخند ملاقات کنیم ، چون لبخند شروع مهربانی است

A beautiful sentence I use in my work:-
'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.' -unknown

جمله زیبایی که من در کار بهره می جویم: فقدان شواهد به معنای شواهد فقدان نیست...........ناشناخته


How beautiful is cleanliness!, but how great to have our minds cleaned!

George Bernard show.

پاکی چه زیباست ، اما چه عظیم است که ذهنی پاک داشته باشیم.............جرج برنارد شاو


If you’re not going to prove the things you say, don’t say anything at all.

اگر شما در پی اثبات گفته هایتان نیستید ، پس در کل چیزی نگویید
Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.

هرگزبه خواسته هایتان  اجازه ندهید که داشته هایتان را به دام فراموشی سپارد.


The law has nothing to do with justice, It's merely a method for dispute resolution.

یک روش برای حل اختلافقانون در برابر عدالت کاری ندارد که انجام دهد ، تنها

"The law is an ass" is a phrase often used to describe the law.

  • قانون یک احمق است ، عبارتی که اغلب برای شرح قانون استعمال می شود.

“Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.”
تقریبا هر فرقه ، فرهنگ یا مذهب در آیین خویش در محتوای قانون شرعی خواهد بود اگر قدرت سیاسی را برای انجام آن به دست آورد.

"It seems to me that most men have received from nature enough common sense to make laws, but that everyone is not just enough to make good laws."
به نظر من بیشتر مردان از قانون رایج طبیعت ، وضع قوانین را دریافت نموده اند ، اما اینکه هر شخصی به وضع قوانین خوب بسنده نمی کند.


is one who walks in
when the rest
of the world walks out.


life is a road and you are its passengers so , be careful about the value of your times , maybe you wont be in the road tomorrow.

 زندگی جاده ایست و شما مسافرش هستید ، بنابراین در مورد ارزش زمان زندگیتان محافظه کار باشید ، چه بسا فردا در این جاده نباشید.

Live in such a way that those who know you but
don't know God will come to know God because they know you.

 به شیوه ای زندگی کن که آنهایی که شما را می شناسند ولی از خدا غافلند ، بواسطه شناختت خدا را بشناسند.


waite for the one who is constantly reminding you how he cares a bout you & how much lucky he's to HAVE YOU.

برای کسی اندیشه کن که مدام بیاد توست و چطور از شما مراقبت کرده و چه خوش شانس است آنکه شما را دارد.



We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.

زمان زیادی را صرف می کنیم اما کمتر بهره می بریم ، بیشتر می خریم اما کمتر لذت می بریم

Don't wait until people are dead to give them flower.

برای تحویل یک دسته گل به مردم صبر نکنید که آنها بمیرند 

The time of departure has arrived,
everyone go his way , I to die and you to live.
Which is the better, only God knows.

زمان عزیمت فرا رسیده است ، هر کس راه خودش را طی می کند

من می میرم و شما زندگی می کنید.

کدام بهتر است ، تنها خدا می داند.



پنج شنبه 19 تير 1393برچسب:, :: 5:1 ::  نويسنده : saeid


جمعه 30 خرداد 1393برچسب:, :: 1:30 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلامی دوباره به دوستای گلم امیدوارم حالتون خوب باشه تو این قسمت امروز داستان کوتاه و زیبایی رو هم با متن فارسی و هم با انگلیسی واستون میذارم ...امیدوارم موفق باشین تا بعد خدانگهدارتون


The Japanesehave alwaysloved fresh fish. But the water close to Japan has not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population,fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring thefish. If the return trip took more time, the fish were not fresh.

ژاپنی ها همواره عاشق ماهی تازه هستند. ولیآب نزدیک ژاپن برای چند دهه ماهی زیادی نداشت. بنابراین برای فراهم کردن غذای ژاپنیها ، قایق های ماهی گیری بزرگتر شدند و مسافتی بیشتراز قبل را طی می کردند. هرچه ماهیگیراندورتر می رفتند، بیشتر طول می کشید تا ماهی بیاورند. اگر برگشتشان بیشتر طول می کشید ماهی ها دیگر تازهنبود


To solve this problem, fish companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen fish. And they did not like the taste of frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So, fishing companies installed fish tanks.

They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little thrashing around, they were tired, dull, and lost their fresh-fish taste. The fishing industry faced an impending crisis! But today, they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan. How did they manage? To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks but with a small shark.

The fish are challenged and hence are constantly on the move. The challenge they face keeps them alive and fresh!

برای حل این مشکل، شرکتهای ماهیگیری فریزرهایی را در قایقهایشان نصب کردند . آنها ماهی های به دست آمده را در فریزر قرار می دادند. فریزرها این امکان را فراهم می کرد که قایقها دورتر بروند و بیشتر بمانند. ولیکن ژاپنی ها توانستند به تفاوت بین ماهی تازه و منجمد پی ببرند و آنها مزه ماهی منجمد را دوست نداشتند. قیمت ماهی منجمد کاهش پیدا کرد. بنابراین شرکتهای ماهیگیری مخزنهایی نصب کردند. 

آنها ماهی میگرفتند و درون مخزن قرار می دادند. ماهی ها پس از کمی تحرک، خسته می شدند و مزه تازه بودن خود را از دست می دادند. صنعت ماهیگیری دچار بحران قریب الوقوعی شد. ولی امروزه آنها ماهی های تازه به ژاپن می فرستند. چطور توانستند مدیریت کنند؟ برای اینکه طعم ماهی تازه بماند، شرکتهای ماهیگیری ژاپنی هنوز ماهی ها را در مخزنها قرار میدهند ولی با یک کوسه کوچک.

ماهی ها تقلا می کنند و از اینرو دائما در حال حرکتند. تلاشی که می کنند باعث می شود آنها تازه و سرحال باشند.


Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired and dull? Basically in our lives, sharks are new challenges to keep us active. If you are steadily conquering challenges, you are happy. Your challenges keep you energized. Don’t create success and revel in it in a state of inertia.


تاحالا به این پی بردید که برخی از ما در استخر زندگی می کنیم ولی بیشتر مواقع خسته و کسل هستیم؟ اساسا در زندگی ما، کوسه ها چالش های تازه ای هستند که ما را فعال نگه می دارند. اگر شما مدام در تکاپو باشید، شاد خواهید بود. تلاشهایتان است که  شما را پر انرژی نگه می دارد. در وضعیتی از سکون موفقیت را کسب نکنید و به آن شاد نباشید.


You have the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference. Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go! Cheers,

“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character” - Albert Einstein


شما منابع، مهارتها، و توانایی هایی را برای ایجاد این تفاوت دارید. کوسه ای را درون مخزنتان قرار دهید و سپس خواهید دید که واقعا چقدر می توانید پیش بروید.

” ضعف برخورد( یا نگرش)  موجب ضعف شخصیت می شود” آلبرت انیشتن


 منبع :bilingual.ir

شنبه 24 خرداد 1393برچسب:, :: 12:25 ::  نويسنده : saeid
سلامی دوباره به دوستای زبان دوست گلم بعد از مدتها دوباره مطلبی رو دارم عنوان می کنم که در رابطهبا تقویت مهارتهای درک مطلب هتش البته یه کم باید به خودتون زحمت بدین و ترجمش کنین چون من ترجمش نکردم ، تا عنوان بعدی خدانگهدار
How To Improve Your Foreign Language Comprehension


comment 11 Written by |

Have you ever tried to converse with a native speaker of your target language but found that despite being able to speak pretty well you can barely catch a word of what he/she says?

It’s not that they’re speaking too fast. They’re speaking normally.

The problem is your listening comprehension skills need a lot of work.

One of the most difficult parts about learning a new language is listening comprehension (being able to grasp and make sense of what you hear). You can be an excellent speaker and be able to read really well yet still not understand more than a fraction of what other people are saying.

The reason for this is that speech is a series of sound units that are connected together quickly when spoken by a native speaker and they’re difficult to distinguish with an untrained ear.

There’s no shortcut around this unfortunately.

The only way we train our ears to distinguish sounds in foreign speech is by lots and lots of exposure. Listen, listen and listen some more. And this takes time.

There are a lot of people around who claim to master languages in extremely short amounts of time and I don’t doubt that they can speak extremely well, but I’m always skeptical about their level of listening comprehension in that time.

My own experience with listening comprehension

Next year (2012) marks one decade of my journey with the Arabic language. I started studying this language and some its dialects when I was 18 years old and I’m still working at it.

Despite my relentless determination and enthusiasm in my first year of Arabic, it wasn’t until about 3 years after I had started this journey that I one day had this incredible epiphany moment during a conversation with some Egyptian friends.

“Oh my God! Everything you’re saying right now makes perfect sense to me! I don’t even have to try to understand you – I just get it.”

It really did happen like that for me. It was just a sudden, defining moment of realization – almost like my ability to comprehend another language changed overnight. This is how it felt even though I knew it was a gradual process over a long time.

How you can improve your listening comprehension skills

As I said, there are no shortcuts to this. You need to have a lot of exposure to real, native speaker conversation in order to get better at it.

It took me 3 years, but that was a lot longer than it needed to be. I neglected this area of focus for a long time. It doesn’t have to take that long provided you’re determined and proactive about training your comprehension skills.

Music actually isn’t ideal for this. It helps, but what you need to do is to listen to a lot of real, natural conversation. For this reason, radio talk shows, television and movies are much more beneficial.

Here’s one highly effective method that I use to get the most out of listening material to train my comprehension skills:

Let’s say you’re studying French. Take a good French movie and find a short scene that you like in the movie. Here’s one from Amélie that I’m watching at the moment:

It’s good if the scene in the movie has a short dialogue that’s not too difficult for your level.

Use a video editing program like VirtualDub to cut the scene from the movie into a smaller video file to make it easier for you to use.

Go a step further and use an audio extractor like AoA Audio Extractor to strip the audio track from the video and make an MP3 file out of it for your iPod.

Now you’ve got your favorite foreign movie scene for easy listening while you’re driving, walking or doing the house chores.

Listen to it over and over. Do it until you can clearly distinguish the different sound units

If you find it hard to make out certain words, try using Audacity to slow down the speed of the MP3 so you can hear it better.

This was written by .

If you find this website useful, please take a few seconds to visit The Mezzofanti Guild on Facebook by clicking here and Like it.

سه شنبه 20 خرداد 1393برچسب:, :: 22:48 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام ، مدتی است در پوچی گم شده ام ، نمی دانم ، نمیشناسم ، نمی فهمم خودم را ، به سایه ام نگاه می کنم ولی چیزی جز شبهی پوچ نمی بینم روبرویم جاده خاکی بی انتهاست و پشت سرم راههای طی شده شبیه سراب ، نگاهم به دوردستهاست وچرا ناامیدم نمی دانم ، بارها به خود وعده تلاش می دهم ولی چون روزنه امیدی نمی بینم کور و گنگ رد میشوم ، رفیقم را جز خارهای بیابان نمیابم و آیا دیگر رفیقی از جنس انسان برایم باقی مانده ، باز نمی دانم ، تو خود وعده داده ای می آیی...چشم به راهتم آقا کمکم کن

پنج شنبه 25 ارديبهشت 1393برچسب:, :: 18:33 ::  نويسنده : saeid

if you educate only one man , just you educated one man/ but if you educate one woman , you educated one generation

ﺍﮔﺮ ﺷﻤﺎ ﺑﻪ ﯾﮏ ﻣﺮﺩ ﺁﻣﻮﺯﺵ ﺩﻫﯿد،

در بهترین حالت ﺗﻨﻬﺎ ﺑﻪ ﯾﮏ ﻣﺮﺩ ﺁﻣﻮﺯﺵ ﺩﺍﺩﻩﺍﯾﺪ؛

ﺍﻣﺎ ﺍﮔﺮ ﺑﻪ ﯾﮏ ﺯﻥ ﺁﻣﻮﺯﺵ ﺩﻫﯿﺪ،

ﺑﻪ ﯾﮏ ﻧﺴﻞ ﺁﻣﻮﺯﺵ ﺩﺍﺩﻩﺍید ...




children never concept their mother are ugly;

dogs never barks on their poor lord;

skimooes never dislike from the cold Alaska wether;

if you love a place or a person , you will find it pretty;

because the sense of 'seeing beautiful' is the same'love'


بچه‌ها هرگز مادرشان را زشت نمی‌دانند ...

سگ‌ها اصلا به صاحبان فقیرشان پارس نمی‌کنند ...

اسکیموها هم از سرمای آلاسکا بدشان نمی‌آید ...

اگر کسی یا جایی را دوست داشته باشید ،

آن را زیبا هم خواهید یافت ...

زیرا " حس زیبا دیدن " همان عشق است  ... !




بوف کور،صادق هدايتblind owl

در زندگي زخمهايي هست که مثل خوره روح را آهسته در انزوا مي خورد و مي تراشد.

There are some wounds in the life ,as if they are like leprosy which scratch the spirit slowly.

اين دردها را نمي شود به کسي اظهار کرد ، چون عموماً عادت دارند که اين دردهاي باورنكردني را جزو

These wounds aren’t pretended , since typically habit to count these incredible wounds amount of

اتفاقات و پيش آمدهاي نادر و عجيب بشمارند و اگر کسي بگويد يا بنويسد ، مردم بر سبيل عقايد جاري و عقايد

Issues and odd circumstances ,so if any one says or writes , by conventional people attempt to express that

خودشان سعي ميكنند آنرا با لبخند شكاك و تمسخرآميز تلقي بكنند  زيرا بشر هنوز چاره و دوايي برايش پيدا

together doubtful and hilarious smell , because the human has not found such as remedies for them 

نكرده و تنها داروي آن فراموشي به توسط شراب و خواب مصنوعي بوسيله ي افيون و مواد مخدره است  ولي

And the only it’s remedy is oblivion by wine and hypnotism by the wizard and the fixes

افسوس آه تأثير اينگونه داروها موقت است و بجاي تسكين پس از مدتي بر شدت درد مي افزايد.

But sorry the effectivity of these materials are temporary, and instead of tranquility , so passing time increase it’s pain.

آيا روزي به اسرار اين اتفاقات ماوراء طبيعي ، اين انعكاس سايه ي روح که در حالت اغماء و برزخ بين خواب

Will someone  one day recover to this secret of extravagant incidents , which reflection of spirit’s shadow, between in coma and limbo medial sleep و بيداري جلوه ميكند ، کسي پي خواهد برد؟

                                            and wake demonstrates?

من فقط به شرح يكي از اين پيش آمدها مي پردازم که براي خودم اتفاق افتاده و به قدري مرا تكان داده که هرگز

I just express to one of this incidents that happened for myself and so much shook me that never

فراموش نخواهم کرد و نشان شوم آن تا زنده ام ، از روز ازل تا ابد تا آنجا که خارج از فهم و ادراك بشر است ،

Forget it and its sign will poison my life since everlost day until perpetuity so much far from out of human mind

زندگي مرا زهرآلود خواهد کرد  زهرآلود نوشتم ، ولي ميخواستم بگويم داغ آن را هميشه با خودم داشته و

by my survival time , I wrote toxic , so I wish to say I will have its pain permanently.

خواهم داشت.

من سعي خواهم کرد آنچه را که يادم هست ، آنچه را که از ارتباط وقايع در نظرم مانده بنويسم ، شايد بتوانم

I will try that write everything that I remember and remind everything of incidents connection in my mind, perhaps I can

راجع به آن يك قضاوت آلي بكنم ؛ نه ، فقط اطمينان حاصل بكنم و يا اصلاً خودم بتوانم باور بكنم  چون براي

Have an ideal judgment about it. No , just I assure and or I ever can believe because

من هيچ اهميتي ندارد آه ديگران باور بكنند يا نكنند  فقط ميترسم آه فردا بميرم و هنوز خودم را نشناخته باشم

It is not ever important for me that others rather believe it or not , but I fear that to die next day and don’t recognized myself yet.

 زيرا در طي تجربيات زندگي به اين مطلب برخوردم آه چه ورطه ي هولناآي ميان من و ديگران وجود دارد

Since I confronted with this noticed that there is what dire encumbrance between I and the others

و فهميدم آه تا ممكن است بايد خاموش شد ، تا ممكن است بايد افكار خودم را براي خودم نگه دارم و اگر حالا

And I understood must be calmed down as possible , and must maintain my thoughts for myself as possible and if right now

تصميم گرفتم آه بنويسم ، فقط براي اينست آه خودم را به سايه ام معرفي بكنم  سايه اي آه روي ديوار خميده و

I made decision to write , is for that to introduce myself to my shade , the shade which has bent on the wall

مثل اين است آه هر چه مينويسم با اشتهاي هر چه تمامتر مي بلعد  براي اوست آه ميخواهم آزمايشي بكنم:

And like that so much I write it swallows so much great appetite , and it is for it that I want to examine :

ببينم شايد بتوانيم يكديگر را بهتر بشناسيم. چون از زماني آه همه ي روابط خودم را با ديگران بريده ام ،

May be we can know together . because when I have cut my connection each other

ميخواهم خودم را بهتر بشناسم.

I want to know myself better.

افكار پوچ!  باشد ، ولي از هر حقيقتي بيشتر مرا شكنجه ميكند  آيا اين مردمي که شبيه من هستند ، که ظاهراً

The thoughts be empty , but torture more than every truth , so aren’t these people who like me and


احتياجات و هوا و هوس مرا دارند ، براي گول زدن من نيستند؟ آيا يك مشت سايه نيستند که فقط براي مسخره

Have my needs and fancy for cheating me? aren’t some shades which have created so that cheating me?

کردن و گول زدن من بوجود آمده اند؟ آيا آنچه که حس ميكنم ، مي بينم و ميسنجم سرتاسر موهوم نيست که با

Is not delusion every thing that I touch ,see and test,

حقيقت خيلي فرق دارد؟

So it is different with the truth?

من فقط براي سايه ي خودم مي نويسم که جلو چراغ به ديوار افتاده است ، بايد خودم را بهش معرفي بكنم.__

So I just write for my shadow that has shown in front of light, h have to introduce mnyself.

چهار شنبه 18 دی 1392برچسب:, :: 18:31 ::  نويسنده : saeid

چهار شنبه 18 دی 1392برچسب:, :: 10:33 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلامی دوباره به دوستای گلم ، عنوان زیر مربوط میشه به چهار نوع نامه نگاری مرسوم در زبان انگلیسی ، که مختص نامه های رسمی و غیر رسمی میشه ، به نوع نوشته هاش دقت کنین...........سعید

Full-blocked form



Mountainous, area of0242


November 20 , 2010



Mr. iman atayeei

Supervisor of elderhouse

Shohada of third street

Khoramdarreh  , areaof0242


Daer mr. atayeii


Subject: accepting new member


According to your advertisement in the last month, for accepting some people in order looking after them, and to deliver some their documents and identifications ,we have decided that to assign my aunt's observation you.


If there are some problems for her looking after, be supposed to inform me before , so I have before mentioned my aunt's conditions .while any one of us have not suitable condition for looking after hers, I hope you do requiring  corporation with us.


Affectionately yours





Saeid Ahmadpour





Blocked form

Iran khodro factory


Enghelab _street 4/5


                               April 17 ,2009



Mr. rahim salehi

Engineer of design

Avenue of 509




                      Subject : revision of quality


With caution of the quality's reduction , while the percent of produced cars in this factory are not suitable neither the quality nor fuel , I decided to send this letter for you.


I will satisfy that if I can  help you in designing new cars, because I have reached  to new technology which can definitely bring up both your qualities and fuel.


Because the competition between car's factories day to day is increasing , I hope that have been done lots of remarkable help.


                                    Sincerely yours,


                                        Engineer of Design



        Semi-Blocked form

Iran khodro factory


Enghelab _street 4/5


                                                                                           April 17 ,2009



Mr. rahim salehi

Engineer of design

Avenue of 509




                      Subject : revision of quality


          With caution of the quality's reduction , while the percent of produced cars in this factory are not suitable neither the quality nor fuel , I decided to send this letter for you.


          I will satisfy that if I can  help you in designing new cars, because I have reached  to new technology which can definitely bring up both your qualities and fuel.


          Because the competition between car's factories day to day is increasing , I hope that have been done lots of remarkable help.


                                    Sincerely yours,


                                        Engineer of Design



square-blocked form



Mountainous, area of0242



Mr. iman atayeei                                                                                     November 20 , 2010

Supervisor of elderhouse

Shohada of third street

Khoramdarreh  , areaof0242


Daer mr. atayeii


                         SUBJECT : ACCERTING  NEW  MEMBER 


According to your advertisement in the last month, for accepting some people in order looking after them, and to deliver some their documents and identifications ,we have decided that to assign my aunt's observation you.


If there are some problems for her looking after, be supposed to inform me before , so I have before mentioned my aunt's conditions .while any one of us have not suitable condition for looking after hers, I hope you do requiring  corporation with us.


Affectionately yours





Saeid Ahmadpour                                                                                                            SA/ia 






        Simplified form

Iran khodro factory


Enghelab _street 4/5


April 17 ,2009 



Mr. rahim salehi

Engineer of design

Avenue of 509




With caution of the quality's reduction , while the percent of produced     cars in this factory are not suitable neither the quality nor fuel , I decided to send this letter for you.


I will satisfy that if I can  help you in designing new cars, because I have reached  to new technology which can definitely bring up both your qualities and fuel.


 Because the competition between car's factories day to day is increasing , I hope that have been done lots of remarkable help.



 Engineer of Design  






Square-blocked form


All provinces

Area 098



All of the bank's principles                                                                              August22 ,2010

Boss of the central bank

Tehran, central office

Area 098


Dear supervisors


                          SUBJECT : CAUTION  ABOUT  ABUSES


Remarkable all of the bank's supervisors of iran ;according to observations of some neglects and non-attentions in some banks specially in the north area of iran, not only the bosses of the banks but all the personals also must have extreme accuracy in accepting and paying the payments .


We hope with this cautions have lots of reductions  in abuses of the payments.


Sincerely yours,





Boss of the Central bank                                                                         BJ/bs

























جمعه 15 آذر 1392برچسب:, :: 1:41 ::  نويسنده : saeid

Some useful proverbs and idioms


Proverbs, idioms and phrasal verbs


1.       A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

Have a slight knowledge and understanding of something can tempt you into overestimating  your  ability and trying to deal with something that requires more specialist knowledge.

E.g.  Jack says that he knows enough about building to carry out the repairs to the house himself. But a little knowledge is a dangerous thing; I think he will get into difficulties very  quickly and will have to call in a qualified tradesman.

2.       A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

It is better to accept something satisfactory while it is available, than to pursue other, possibly better, but less certain, prospects. You might fail to get anything better, and you might even lose what you have within your grasp. Shortened form the proverb is a bird in the hand

E.g.  After  several interviews Jack has been offered a job that he must accept or refuse immediately. He’s still waiting to hear about a post with better prospects, but he may just decide that  a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

3.Actions speak Louder than words

What you do is more important than what you say.

E.g. Politicians are always talking about what their parties will do, but they never seem to do anything. Someone should tell them that actions speak louder than words.

4. A friend in need is a friend indeed

A true friend is someone who helps you when you are in some kind of difficulty or trouble.

Eg. When my flat was badly damaged in the fire, jenny immediately invited me to stay with her until it was habitable again; a friend in need is a friend indeed.

5. A good beginning makes a good ending

If a job or project is carried out properly from the start, with enough attention given to preparation and planning, then it is likely to turn out well.

E.g. If you are going to redecorate the house yourself, you should make sure that you prepared all the surfaces properly; a good beginning makes a good ending.

6. All that glitters  is not gold

This proverb is used as a warning against judging by appearances, in case you are misled into thinking that someone or something is better than they actually are.

Eg. Jenny thought that her new job with a PR company was going to be very glamorous. She soon learnt that all that glitters is not gold when she spent all day making coffee and doing photocopying.

7. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Everyone  needs some leisure and recreation, as working all the time will make them boring and uninteresting.

Eg. Some of my colleagues seem to have no interests outside the office, and they make very boring company-all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

8.A man is known by the company he keeps

People assume that, whatever you friends and associates are like, you will be much the same.

E.g. You have to keep away from that gang of rowdies you’re going around with, if you don’t want to be thought  a rowdy yourself- a man is known by the company he keeps.

9. A rolling stone gathers no moss

This  proverb recommends stability and settling down. Someone who is constantly moving from place to place and never settles down does not acquire money and possessions.

E.g. Jim’s two brothers went to work in the family firm as young men and are no affluent businessmen. Jim, however, has spent a lifetime travelling and changing jobs and has no savings; a rolling stone gathers no moss.

10. A stitch in time saves nine

If you deal with a problem straight away, you will prevent it from getting any worse and so save yourself time and effort.

E.g. We should get the roof repaired right away while there is  only one small section leaking; a stitch in time saves nine-we don’t want to be faced with a huge roof bill later.


1.       Beat around the bush

To keep talking in a vague or uncertain way because you are too frightened or embarrassed to tell someone something immediately.

Eg. Stop beating around the bush and tell me exactly what happened!

2.       Bear fruit

If something that you do bears fruit, it produces a positive result.

Eg. The police investigation eventually bore fruit when they found some important evidence.

3.       Put your best foot forward

You put your best foot forward when you start an activity, especially a difficult activity, in a determined way, aiming to do your best.

E.g. If I put my best foot forward, I might get all these reports finished by the end of the day.

4.       A bone of contention

When something is a bone of contention, it causes strong  arguments between people over a long time.

There is a very little parking space, which makes it quite a bone of contention in our street.

5.       Could eat a horse

You say that you could eat a horse if you are extremely hungry.

E.g. After all that exercise, I expect you could have eaten a horse.

6.       Lend someone a hand

If you lend someone a hand, you help them to do something

E.g. Is Mick lending his dad a hand with gardening?

7.Get the picture

When you get the picture you understand something, for example a situation or a process that has been explained to you.

E.g. After we had explained the process several times, he eventually go the picture.

8.Pull your socks up

When you pull your socks up, you try harder and do better.

This lazy attitude just isn’t good enough, Graham. You really must pull your socks up.

9.A snake in the grass

You call someone a snake in the grass if they deliberately act in such a way as to harm people who trust them.

That snake in the grass pretended to be one of the team, but she was just stealing our ideas to use herself.

10. on top of the world

Someone who is on top of the world is extremely happy.

E.g. Old Mrs. Smith was on top of the world when she heard her son was coming to visit her.

Exercise: Find out the meaning of the following idioms

Piece of the action

Man in the street

Tip of the iceberg

Icing on the cake

Slap in the face

Pat on the back

Pick of the bunch

Pie in the sky

Pain in the neck

Walls have ears.

Phrasal Verbs

1.    act up (no object): misbehave (for people); not work properly (for machines).

"The babysitter had a difficult time. The children acted up all evening."

"I guess I'd better take my car to the garage. It's been acting up lately."

2.    back down (no object): not follow a threat.

"Tom was going to call the police when I told him I'd wrecked his car, but hebacked down when I said I'd pay for the damages."

3.    break down (1. separable): separate something into component parts.

"We spent a lot of money at the supermarket. When we broke the total costdown, we spent more on cleaning supplies than food."

4.    break down (2. no object): stop working / functioning.

"Sharon will be late for work today. Her car broke down on the freeway."

5.    butt in (no object): impolitely interrupt (a conversation, an action).

"Hey, you! Don't butt in! Wait for your turn!"

6.    butter up (separable): praise someone excessively with the hope of getting some benefit.

"I guess Marty reall wants to be promoted. He's been buttering his boss up all week."

7.    call off (separable): cancel something that has been scheduled.

"We don't have school today. The mayor called classes off because of the snow."

8.    call on (inseparable): ask someone for an answer in class.

"I don't know why the teacher never calls on you. You always know the answer."

9.    catch up (with) (often without an object; with an object, inseparable): stop being behind.

"Terry stopped to rest for a few minutes. He'll catch up / catch up with us later."

10. drag on (no object): last much longer than expected or is necessary.

"I thought the meeting would be a short one, but it dragged on for more than three hours."

11. cheer up (separable): help someone feel less worried / depressed / sad.

"Suzie's brother was depressed about not getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny card to cheer him up."

12. drop ou(of) (inseparable): stop attending / leave school or an organization.

"No, Paul isn't at the university. He dropped out. / He dropped out of school."

13. eat out (no object): have a meal in a restaurant.

"I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we eat out?"

14. end up (1. no object): finally arrive at; arrive at an unexpected place.

"We got lost last night and ended up in the next town."

15. end up (2. no object): arrive somewhere as a result or consequence.

"You're working too hard. If you don't take it easy, you'll end up in the hospital!"

16. figure out (2. separable): understand why someone behaves the way she/he does.

"I can't figure Margie out. Sometimes she's very warm and friendly and sometimes she acts as if she doesn't know me."

17. get along (with) (inseparable): have a friendly relationship (with); be friendly (toward).

"Why can't you and your sister get along? Everyone else gets along with her just fine!"

18. get over (2. inseparable): recover from an illness or painful experience.

"Katy was really upset when she failed the test. She thought she would never get over feeling so stupid."

19.hand in (separable): submit homework, an assignment, etc.

"You'd better get started on your report. You know that you have to hand it in at 8:30 tomorrow morning!"

20. hang up (no object): end a phone conversation by replacing the receiver.

"I'd like to talk longer, but I'd better hang up. My sister needs to make a call."


جمعه 15 آذر 1392برچسب:, :: 1:23 ::  نويسنده : saeid

in the name of GOD 

   hi gentelman, how are you? h miss you so when are you going to come? here all of the hearts have become  stone_cold T h don't know why . here brother doesn't know about his broter , all of the hearts are full of the spit and  jealousy. while one can help another does not it i don;t know why, so h' tired alot.... i love you my gentelman

so looooooooong....................saeid

شنبه 2 آذر 1392برچسب:, :: 13:51 ::  نويسنده : saeid

شراب و عيش نهان چيست کار بی بنياد
زديم بر صف رندان و هر چه بادا باد
گره ز دل بگشا و از سپهر ياد مکن
که فکر هيچ مهندس چنين گره نگشاد
ز انقلاب زمانه عجب مدار که چرخ
از اين فسانه هزاران هزار دارد ياد
قدح به شرط ادب گير زان که ترکيبش
ز کاسه سر جمشيد و بهمن است و قباد
که آگه است که کاووس و کی کجا رفتند
که واقف است که چون رفت تخت جم بر باد
ز حسرت لب شيرين هنوز می بينم
که لاله میدمد از خون ديده فرهاد
مگر که لاله بدانست بی وفايی دهر
که تا بزاد و بشد جام می ز کف ننهاد
بيا بيا که زمانی ز می خراب شويم
مگر رسيم به گنجی در اين خراب آباد
نمی دهند اجازت مرا به سير و سفر
نسيم باد مصلا و آب رکن آباد
قدح مگير چو حافظ مگر به ناله چنگ
که بسته اند بر ابريشم طرب دل شاد

Wine and hidden pleasure, what are they? Baseless work.
On the ranks of profligates we dashed. What is fit to be-be!
Unloose the heart’s knot; and, think not of the sky:
For such a knot, the thought of no geometrician hath loosed.
At Time’s changes, wonder not. For the sphere
Recollecteth many a thousand tales of this.
With respect, take the goblet. For its composition
Is of the skull of Jamshid, of Bahman, and of Kubad.
Where Kawoos and Kay went, who is informed?
How Jamshid’s throne went to the wind who is informed?
From passion for Shirin’s lip, yet I see
That, from the blood of Farhad’s eye, the tulip blossometh.
Perchance the tulip knew Time’s unfaithfulness:
For, since she was torn and become, from out of her hand she hath not placed the cup
of wine.
Come! come! so that, awhile, with wine ruined we may become:
Perchance, to that great fortune, we may, in this ruined place, reach.
For wandering and journeying, me, permission give not
The breeze of Musalla’s dust, and the water of Roknabad.
Like Hafez take not the cup save to the sound of the harp:
For, to the silk of joy, they have bound the glad heart.

پنج شنبه 30 آبان 1392برچسب:, :: 15:55 ::  نويسنده : saeid

Just GOD

Some examples for connectives...


1:And :a  listing                  1: enumeration:    first, the government increased the prices , finaly forced to return back. 

                                            2: addition :                a : reinforcement : the court will decide tomorrow, then indicates 

                                                                             the conclusion.

                                                                                  b : equation : their living was boring, not only  undernourishmently ,but also dangerously.

           B: TRANSITION : with reference to lsat your  passion, the maneger  intrests does the agreement with you.

           C:summation : some vocabulary in the unit of the morephology were wrong , to sum up briefly the  book  was refused.

          D: apposition :  tomorrow the play will cancel , in other words the players won’t attand in the match.

           E: result : in the last semester some students claimed some point from their teachers, so/as a result/accordingly...  their teacher gave some advantages them.

           F: inference: the people coulden’t conquest to government policy in the course of increasing the price of the oil, in other words the government was the main winner in this confilict.

           2: or 

              G:reformulation : he choiced a few units in this semester, i said him it was beter  had selected more.

                      H: replacemnt : in the last night i warned him dont repeat his overeating but he again started it alternatively.

                      3: BUT :

                         I:  contrast :  the government of iran has conquested to economic problems , on the contrary, others couldn’t do it.

                                J: concession : in spite of the false that the court denies his crime , i believe this file should not had  already closed.


Extera examples:

Consequently: being coach potato is a result of the many cansers; consequently having a health body entails having much of actions.

    Even if/ though : we gonna go to the party by walking, even if it be hard raining.


As if : all of the long day he is sleeping ; as if he had gone to wintry sleeping.


Correspondingly : when you have bad reaction against the children, correspondingly you gonna have .

Let us : let us don’t beat around the bushes so go in the middle of heart.

combination: during starting the winter the poor family hadn’t any shelter ;neither aplace for sleeping ,nor a hut for dining, beside their father had died many years ago,so the little girl of family decided to open her hand so that reaching alittle money, yet her mother didn’t permited her ,consequently they went on to this situation.




شنبه 25 آبان 1392برچسب:, :: 21:44 ::  نويسنده : saeid

In the name of omniscient GOD



سلامی دوباره به تمومی دوستای گلم ، قلب آدمی به درد می آید وقتی محبتهای مادرش به دست فراموشی سپرده می شوند ، هرگز کذرتان به آسایشگاهها افتاده وآیا دلت نمی شکند وقتی به مادری نگاه می کنی که چشم به راه است ، و آیا هیچ به دوران کودکیت فکر کرده ای که چگونه تو را در آغوشش با جان و دل پرورانده و..... این است سزای این همه خوبی ، دوستان عزیز داستان زیبای مادر رو واستون نوشتم تا بدونین که آدمی هم می تواند سخت تر از سنگ باشد و هم لطیف تر از گل.........سعید

Once upon a time:

            My mother was a blind person. in fact, left of her eye was blocked .I hadn't before known what was the reason of her blind. i hadn't father . of course I hadn't known how old I was that he was dead(pop off).

          She was forced for supporting my family  cook  the lunch  for my teacher and my classmates . It was always cause of my embarrassment .

          I remember once while she had come for visiting me in the primary school , I became ashamed ,so my classmate laughed me and said your mother hasn't one eye. I got my head on the ground and became angry and damned to my mother and said her why you don't aloss in front of my sight? you are always cause of my ashamed , looked at me and said hi, how are you my son? i didn't say any things ,visa versa he delivered me a meaningful smile.

          The next time in the school  one of my classmates hinted me with his finger, e e e your mother hasn't one eye, I wanted to bury myself, just I wanted my mom be lost.

           The next day I confronted her at home and said her : do you want really satisfy me you had better to die. Just if you want my blessedness. my mom didn't any responded …

          I didn't even obstacle myself without any little caution that what have said. because I was so much angry.

           I was oblivious to her felling and sensations. I wanted out of the house and never come back in it.

           So I studied hardly and became success in my educations and then during my victories I reached to go Singapore .

         Then I got married there , and I bought a large house of my own, and I had some kids of my own. I had a marvelous  life. I was happy with my kids with my life and my wife.

         So one day my mother came to visit me in Singapore .absolutely , I had forgotten have a mother. It was long time that she hadn't seen me and her grandchildren too.

        When she stood beside of the door my children laughed her I yelled of her head "why you have been coming over uninvited"? my children hadn't known she is their grandmother.

          I shouted and creamed at her ,"how dare you have come here and scare my children"? GET OUT OF HERE right now.

        But she responded quietly "I'm so sorry , I have got wrong the address, and then immediately went and became disappeared

      One day I received a letter in order to taking part in reunion in the primary school.

      But I lied to my wife that I was gonna on a business trip.

      After the reunion I went to old my shack curiosity and inquisitiveness .i was searching for my mother, our old neighbor said she is dead, except I didn't tear even one drop of flood.they gave me a letter that she had wanted to deliver me:

               "my dearest son, I was thinking about you and all of the time ,I am sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children and became cause of your sadness. I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I perhaps cannot get up from my bed and come see you since I'm very illness. So I wrote a letter for you and assign it to one of our neighbors, you were always striking me and were belittling me, but l didn't sadness from you, you see… when you were very little you got into the accident and lost one of your eyes, I couldn't see my only son hasn't one eye, in a surgery I decided to give left of my eye you , I was satisfied after that because my son is in the complete healthy condition , I'm sorry if I bothered you.

It was pride of my son because she could see whole of the new universe with my eye

So much sincerely yours…    


Point of view : first person


Theme :the paradise is under of the mother's leg 

Climax:  It was pride of my son because she could see whole of the new universe with my eye

Saeid ahmadpour











جمعه 24 آبان 1392برچسب:, :: 19:59 ::  نويسنده : saeid

Just GOD

My quotations:

               So much pretty that snowing in the fall, it was 29 of   October, the weather's condition entangled me, in second of my night shift, when I came back to home , almost 35 after 6,after doing my common jobs, rested for half and one hours ,l ate my breakfast and got my briefcase and  put on my white cap and went out the home , because I had classroom of introduction to literature 1,the weather was snowing deeply ,the cold has transpired until deep of the bone. snow's prisms were descending and conflicting with the ground , during my walk I had put left of my hand in the pocket and with another had got the briefcase. My socks into my shoes  had wetted , I had pressed my toes of legs. Because I was in the factory last night, my eyes had got to sleep, anyway I received myself with any suffering I could until head of the intersection , waited almost fifteen minutes in order to take taxi, in conclusion I took one, when I arrived, rouse up my hand and paid the hire. Went on and then entered to the university, my hands and tip of my fingers were so much cold that I could not sense any things , and if a needle had touched them definitely I had not had any reaction. Hence I directly went near to the advertisement board in order to realize what time is going to my classroom start.

                Neglect from this matter there wasn't any time of my classroom, thus I went directly to office of university and asked the lady "sorry madam? When gonna our classroom start? Gazed my eyes and said you? I responded yes i. added it is not going to start today if you had, your master had before informed us. My hands were a little heater than past time, so added your classmates have come, mentioned to one of the classroom . went and opened the door three of my classmate had sat down on the benches. I said hello, they answered my hello. Asked them where is master do you know? Responded we don't know too, I became amazed , said unless our master had said we do this job? They responded , we don't know. I had got into hilarious trick , my lips went the beneath ,in a flash rang to him his wife, after three times ringing one took it, she was a lady , said yes? I said hello too. I said excuse mr halvayyei's sell phone number? Responded yes please? Said      







چه بیگانه به نظر می رسداین روزگار وقتی زندگی باب میل تو نیست ،

حداقل من اینطور عقیده دارم. برای کسی که زندگانی  خودش را به

رویایی پوچ باخته و تمامی دلخوشی و تنهاییش فقط خداست. نوشیدن

یک فنجان قهوه داغ و تلخ ،پشت پنجره در هوای سرد و برفی زمستان

 همیشه تداعی گر لحظه های تنهایی اوست وچه زیبا به نظر میرسد که

تصور بر این داشته باشی کسی هست که همیشه چشم به راه توست، و

چه  تاریک و بی معناست لحظه های تنهایی و چه معنادارش می کند

واژه خدا. می خواهم بگویم که در انتخاب واژه های دشوار سخت در

اشتباهم به چه کارم می آیند حتی کسی ساده ترینش را باور ندارد. هر

روز پراز اشتباهاتم ، تکراری و تکراری  ،گویی هوسی گنگ مرا در

پی خود میکشد، واقعیت را می نگرم ولی انکارش میکنم .

دلبستگی جز طبیعت آدمیست و من از این طبیعت مثتثنی نیستم،

اما می توان گاهی اوقات این طبیعت را در هم شکست ، هیچ

ندید و گذشت، سخت است ولی می توان بر آن مستولی شد.





so much strange seems that nowadays are not happiness for you, at least I so believe. for one's who has

lost his life to empty dream, and all of his happiness is only GOD .drinking a cup of hot and virulent

coffee ,behind of the window in the cold and snowy winter , is always imaginer for his solitary , and such a beautiful

that think anyone is for waiting you. and so much meaningless and dim alone time and so much meaningful GOD's

word. i want to say h miss in the selecting hard vocabulary  when any one couldn't understand even

the simplest which what do they mean .every day full of the wrongs, repeatedly & repeatedly as if a hidden   

heartthrob follows me. i see the real but I deny it.

Being interested is include of human's nature, so I am not exceptional from this nature , but can sometimes

Broke in it , wasn't seen and passed , it is difficult but can be conquest .


Impressions' of a boy 






پنج شنبه 23 آبان 1392برچسب:, :: 19:40 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام دوستان عزیز ، داستانی که در زیر نقل شده است یکی از بهترین و تاثیرگذارترین دلستانهای آنتوان چخوف روسی میباشد، اگه به درک مطلب تسلط دارید حتما اونو بخونید و ببینید که ارزش های دنیایی همه فانی اند و آنچه می ماند مهربانی وسخاوت و معرفت است، داستان "شرط" در مورد شرط بندی یک سرمایه دار دنیا طلب با یک وکیل جوان وارسته است ، داستان از این قرار است که هر دوی آنها در یک جشن در هوای سرد پاییزی همدیگر را ملاقات می کنند. از قضا کلیه وکلا و سرمایه داران در آن جشن گرد هم بودند بحث در مورد مجازات آدمیان به میان می آید و... ادامه ماجرا را خودتان بخوانید و لذت ببرید.( خوردم مخصوصا متن فارسیشو نذاشتم.)

در پناه آقا امام زمان همه موید باشید..................سعید

پنج شنبه 23 آبان 1392برچسب:, :: 18:51 ::  نويسنده : saeid

in the name of GOD

           It was a dark autumn night and the old banker was roaming    side to side of his study, recalling in hid mind to rejoicing at the  party.There were clever persons and authority . the iscussion was aound the punishments, whicch one of them was better or wrose than another one!
         Life imprisonment or capital punishment?Most of them beleved that capital punishment should be eplaced universally by life imperisonment .
         I don’t agree with you remarked the host. I myself have not experinced any one of them . Neither capital punishment nor life impriaonment, but in my opinion capital punishment is more moral and human than imprisonment.
         An executioner kills you instantly , life imprisonment kills gradually. Who is the more human an executioner who kills you in a few seccounds or one who kills you continuously?

          They are both equally immoral . mentioned one of the guestes. Because their purpose is the same. Both take your life. This state is not GOD.
            Amoung the struggling  , there was a lawyer , a young man of abuot 24years old, he said : Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral but if i want to select one of them i would rather select the secound one. It is better to live somehow than not to live entirely.
             In a flash the banker who was younger , lost his temper , and banged his fist on the table , and cryed out : Do you ever know what areyou talking about? It is lie. I bet you two millions yopu can not patient in a cell even for five years!
              If you serious, replied the lawyer man , not only i gonna do it for five years, but also i will do it for fifteen.


          They are both equally immoral . mentioned one of the guestes. Because their purpose is the same. Both take your life. This state is not GOD.
            Amoung the struggling  , there was a lawyer , a young man of abuot 24years old, he said : Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral but if i want to select one of them i would rather select the secound one. It is better to live somehow than not to live entirely.
             In a flash the banker who was younger , lost his temper , and banged his fist on the table , and cryed out : Do you ever know what areyou talking about? It is lie. I bet you two millions yopu can not patient in a cell even for five years!
              If you serious, replied the lawyer man , not only i gonna do it for five years, but also i will do it for fifteen.

               Anyway , the lawyer man accepted to suffer his imprisonment under the strictest observation. The condition were beneath : he would be deprived of  crossing th threshold. To see living the people , to hear human voices , and to recieve the letter and newspaper . then was accepted to have musical tool , to read books, to write letters , to drink wine and smoke tobacoo. He could do the communication but only in silent. So just for communicating he could do it with a crack of the window constructed for this purpose. The condition constructed by scrutinzeddeatails. By the agreement it dtarted from 12 o’clock ofNovamber 14 th, 1870, to 12 o’clcock of Novamber 14 th .


During the first year he suffered lots of from the confinement, most of the time he heard the piano’s sound. He refused to use from the wine and tobacoo. He believed that the wine excite the desire and desire is the orginal enemy of a prisoner , so smoking tobacoo was the cause of the air pollution. And he was sent so many books in the light character , with a complicated love interest , stories of crime and fantasty , comedies and so forth.

During the first year he suffered lots of from the confinement, most of the time he heard the piano’s sound. He refused to use from the wine and tobacoo. He believed that the wine excite the desire and desire is the orginal enemy of a prisoner , so smoking tobacoo was the cause of the air pollution. And he was sent so many books in the light character , with a complicated love interest , stories of crime and fantasty , comedies and so forth.


     In the second half of the sixth year he began sacrificly to study languages , philosophy , history. He had done these jobs hardly and the banker had not leisure time to buy books for him. In the space of four yeras , he bought six hundered volumes books. It was while that kindness lasted that the banker received a letter from the prisoner : my darling prison’s officer , i’m writing these lines in six languages . Exhibit them to experts and outstanding persons. Let them read them. If they don’t find even one mistake , i appeal from you to give order two fires. By the noise i shall undersatnd that my efforts have not been usless.if you imagine what kind of sensation i find when i can speak and understabd in six languages. The prisoner desire was fulfilled. The banker to ordered two shots fire

        After the ten years , he sat motionless and immovable behind the table and study only his statement. It was the cause of the banker surprising , because a person who has spent for years of his time for studying six hundered books , right now is spending just one year to study one book. After that the new testament replaced by the other books, such as theology and religious.


          During the last two years of his confinement he read the extraordinary amount , quite accidentlly and haphazard. Now he would apply himself to the natural sciences. He would read the books of Bylon & shakespeare. He read as thuogh he were swimming in the sea amoung broken pieces of wrekage.

          During the last two years of his confinement he read the extraordinary amount , quite accidentlly and haphazard. Now he would apply himself to the natural sciences. He would read the books of Bylon & shakespeare. He read as thuogh he were swimming in the sea amoung broken pieces of wrekage.


             The clock had just struck three. The banker was listening every one was asleep, all of trees were frozen . he did try that to make any noise. Then , he pulled out the keys from his pocket which had not been used during the fifteen years in the sack of opening the door.  Put on his overcoat and went out of the house. The Weather was very cold, could not see neither the ground,nor the  white statues, nor the garden wing, nor the trees.

Approaching the garden wings and called the watchnan, there was no answer. The weather was so much cold that he had gone to the shelter.
           The old banker thought with himself, if i have the courage to fulfill my determination, definitly the watchman will get into suspicion.
            In the darkness he scrabbled for his steps and the door and entered to the hall of the garden wing and scratch a match. There was no any body, anyone’s bed, with any clothes.stood there.for sometimes he knocked the window.there was no answer.


           In the prisoner’s room a candle was burning slowly. The prisoner himself had sat on the table. Only his back, the hair on his head and his hands were visible. Open books were spread on the table. Fifeen years confinement had taught him to sit montionless. Any way he decided to enter.
          After that he approach gradually him, there was a man but unlike to a human.
When he touched , he had been like a skelton.  The colour of his face was like yellow.(climax)

          Poor evill, thought the old banker with himself. Probably he had been dreaming two millions. To take this half - dead body on the bed and suffocate him with a cushion. But first let us to read his paper :
          He started to read it : tomorrow at 12 o’cclock midnight, i gonna get my freedom and mix with people,but befor i leave this room and see the sun, it necessary to say a few words to you. On my own clear conscinece , and before GOD who sees me , l have to mention that i dislike freedom,the life, the health, cand everythings that your books call blessing of the world.

          For fifteen years i have studied earthly life. True , i saw neither the earth nor the people, but in your books i drank fragrant wine, hunted deer and wild animals in the jungels. In your books i climbed up the pinnacle of ELBORZ and saw how the sun is raising in the morning and is setting in the evening. And saw the ocean , the mountain ridges with a purple gold. And i saw from there how the clouds were dividing togather above of me.i saw the green jungels, fields, rivers , lakes,cities. I touches the wings of beautiful devils who came flying to me to speakof GOD...

          Your books gae me wisdom. All that delightful human thaught created in the centries is compressed to a little lump in my skull. Everything is discarded, frail ,visionary and delusive as a mirage. Thaught you be prode and wise and beautiul, but finally you gonna die like the face of the earth like micce underground.
  You are crazy and gone the wrong way. You have worn the sheeps’  clothes in the wolves’ skin. You would surprised and enthusiastic if the fruits of the orange and appel’s trees had born frogs and lizards. Or not if the roses’ perfume had been horses’ sweat

          Now i show you my humility indeed , but i belittle two millions which i dreamed in the paradise . i shall come out from here five minutes before the stipulated, so i shall violate the agreement.

         Upon reading the letter ,the old banker put it on the table, kissing the head of the lawyer man wnd started to weep. He went out from the wing , he had not remebered by that time to have sense of the humility like this. Coming back home, lay bown on his bed , so tears didn’t let him to have a calm sleep.

         The next morning the watch man came and said him that they had seen the prisoner climd through the window . he had gone and disappear. Immediately, the banker followed the watchman and designed the escape of the prisoner. After that he intrrupted to exhibit the paper to anyone, and locked it for everlasting.

 Point of view :

the third person



 Time: a dark autumn night
place: in the prison


I think the theme of the story is very religious. Chekov seems to make the point that the life of this world is temporary. The Hereafter is eternal. SO all our luxuries and wealth in this world will not help us in the Life after Death which is permanent. When the prisoner realises this from his readings, he renounces the million pounds.

Life after Death is a very core concept of many religions including Islam and Christianity.


چهار شنبه 1 آبان 1392برچسب:, :: 22:19 ::  نويسنده : saeid

به نام خدا

سلام عزیزان : به دلیل تنگی وقت این تاپیکو گذاشتم واسه بهبودی نگارش در انگلیسی


Just GOD

Some examples for connectives...


1:And :a  listing                  1: enumeration:    first, the government increased the prices , finaly forced to return back. 

                                            2: addition :                a : reinforcement : the court will decide tomorrow, then indicates 

                                                                             the conclusion.

                                                                                  b : equation : their living was boring, not only  undernourishmently ,but also dangerously.

           B: TRANSITION : with reference to lsat your  passion, the maneger  intrests does the agreement with you.

           C:summation : some vocabulary in the unit of the morephology were wrong , to sum up briefly the  book  was refused.

          D: apposition :  tomorrow the play will cancel , in other words the players won’t attand in the match.

           E: result : in the last semester some students claimed some point from their teachers, so/as a result/accordingly...  their teacher gave some advantages them.

           F: inference: the people coulden’t conquest to government policy in the course of increasing the price of the oil, in other words the government was the main winner in this confilict.

           2: or 

              G:reformulation : he choiced a few units in this semester, i said him it was beter  had selected more.

                      H: replacemnt : in the last night i warned him dont repeat his overeating but he again started it alternatively.

                      3: BUT :

                         I:  contrast :  the government of iran has conquested to economic problems , on the contrary, others couldn’t do it.

                                J: concession : in spite of the false that the court denies his crime , i believe this file should not had  already closed.


Extera examples:

Consequently: being coach potato is a result of the many cansers; consequently having a health body entails having much of actions.

    Even if/ though : we gonna go to the party by walking, even if it be hard raining.


As if : all of the long day he is sleeping ; as if he had gone to wintry sleeping.


Correspondingly : when you have bad reaction against the children, correspondingly you gonna have .

Let us : let us don’t beat around the bushes so go in the middle of heart.

combination: during starting the winter the poor family hadn’t any shelter ;neither aplace for sleeping ,nor a hut for dining, beside their father had died many years ago,so the little girl of family decided to open her hand so that reaching alittle money, yet her mother didn’t permited her ,consequently they went on to this situation.




یک شنبه 28 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 15:44 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام بر دوستای گلم دوباره ، این عنوانو گذتشتم واسه رایتینگ در زبان انگلیسی : پس اجازه بدین ابتدا مقدمه ای رو واستون بیارم: شاید بارها واستون پیش اومده که بخوایین نامه ای رسمی واسه اداره خاصی بنویسین ویا حتی برای دوستاتون. خوب تا حالا فکر کردین که چطور باید شروع کنین یاچطور ادامه بدین و به پایانش برین؟ شاید واستون نوشتن این قبیل نامه ها به زبان فارسی کار زیاد سختی نباشه ولی در انگلیسی قوانین خاص خودشو داره. یک نامه رسمی یا اداری نباید طولانی باشه ، باید در بر گیرنده متن اصلی باشه و از موضوع طفره نره اما در نامه های دوستانه میشه هر جوری  نوشت چون غیر رسمیه .پس من هم زیاد از موضوع حاشیه نمی رم و به دو مطلب کلیدی در نوشتار بسنده میکنم:

در انگلیسی در حالت کلی دو نوع پاراگراف داریم:descending paragraph(کل به جز)

ascending paragraph(جز به کل)

در descending paragraph یک موضوع از حالت کلی به حالت جزعی و جمله های کم اهمیت تر بسط پیدا میکنه اما در ascending paragraph برعکس این اتفاق میفته برای درک بهتر این مطلب یه مثال میارم:


مثلا ما میخواییم در موردتحصیلات  descending paragraph بنویسیماز مهمترینش شروع میکنیم:

education' hs the most importent academy course in one's life ,and...... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................  . and the end of it there are many causes 

و در ascending paragraph کاملا برعکسش اتفاق میفته...........

قربون همه دوستای گل...........................سعید


یک شنبه 28 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 15:44 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام بر دوستای گلم دوباره ، این عنوانو گذتشتم واسه رایتینگ در زبان انگلیسی : پس اجازه بدین ابتدا مقدمه ای رو واستون بیارم: شاید بارها واستون پیش اومده که بخوایین نامه ای رسمی واسه اداره خاصی بنویسین ویا حتی برای دوستاتون. خوب تا حالا فکر کردین که چطور باید شروع کنین یاچطور ادامه بدین و به پایانش برین؟ شاید واستون نوشتن این قبیل نامه ها به زبان فارسی کار زیاد سختی نباشه ولی در انگلیسی قوانین خاص خودشو داره. یک نامه رسمی یا اداری نباید طولانی باشه ، باید در بر گیرنده متن اصلی باشه و از موضوع طفره نره اما در نامه های دوستانه میشه هر جوری  نوشت چون غیر رسمیه .پس من هم زیاد از موضوع حاشیه نمی رم و به دو مطلب کلیدی در نوشتار بسنده میکنم:

در انگلیسی در حالت کلی دو نوع پاراگراف داریم:descending paragraph(کل به جز)

ascending paragraph(جز به کل)

در descending paragraph یک موضوع از حالت کلی به حالت جزعی و جمله های کم اهمیت تر بسط پیدا میکنه اما در ascending paragraph برعکس این اتفاق میفته برای درک بهتر این مطلب یه مثال میارم:


مثلا ما میخواییم در موردتحصیلات  descending paragraph بنویسیماز مهمترینش شروع میکنیم:

education' hs the most importent academy course in one's life ,and...... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................  . and the end of it there are many causes 

و در ascending paragraph کاملا برعکسش اتفاق میفته...........

قربون همه دوستای گل...........................سعید


شنبه 27 مهر 1392برچسب:جملات زیبا, :: 1:54 ::  نويسنده : saeid

بیزار باش از معشوقی که اسم هرزگی هایش را بگذارد "آزادی"اسم نگرانیهایت را بگذارد گیر دادن و برای بی تفاوتی هایش اعتماد داشتن به تو را بهانه کند.

  to be dislike about the belove who  calls her/his ribaldries"freedom"calls your worries "persistence" and for her/his indiferences excuses confidence on you.


چارلی چاپلین خطاب به دخترش: دخترم در این دنیا هیچ چیز ارزش آن را ندارد که دختری حتی بخواهد انگشت نوک پایش را برای آن عریان کند ، بدنت را برای کسی عریان ساز که بخواهد روحش را برایت عریان سازد.


cCHarly CHaplin adressing his daughter:my daughter there is not any thing in the world which a gilrl wants to bare her tip toe so to bare your body whom wants to bare his soul for you.




خدا تنها واژه ایست که در قلب آدمی مانگار است ، نه خیانت میکند ، ونه  ریاکار است ، و همیشه به یاد بندگانش است  و این انسانها هستند که فراموشکارند و بیشتر اوقات از او غافل. یادم می آید سخنی از بزرگی شنیدم که می گفت هرگز به او پشت مکن اویی که هر لحظه به یاد توست.

GOD is only word that is standed in one's heart , neither selouts nor hipocritical ,and he always remembers his creratures while that the creatures who foget him and are neglected, i remember that a great man said : never forget him who never forget you.

چهار شنبه 24 مهر 1392برچسب:idioms, :: 21:12 ::  نويسنده : saeid

سلام دویاره به دوستای گلم نترسین این تاپیکو قصد دارم به زبان مادریم بنویسم پس :

حتما تا به حال با متن انگلیسی روبرو شدین که علی رغم اینکه معنی همه واژه هاشو میدونین و دیکشنری هم دارین نمیتونین ترجمش کنین ، زیاد غصه نخورین این امر طبیعیه ، من یه مثال واستون میارم:اگه یه بریتانیایی یا آمریکایی بیاد ایران و شما به فرض میون صحبتاتون بهش بگین:کلت بوی قرمه سبزی میده یا آش خالته بخوری پاته نخوری پاته،مسلما نمیدونه که شما چی گفتین یا برعکس شما برین انگلستان و حین گفتگو به فرض بهتون بگن:lay the blame at your doors(آش خالته بخوری پاته نخوری پاته)یا بگه pass the buck(از بارمسولیت شونه خالی کردن) دقیقا مشکل قبلی پیش میاد مگه اینکه مطالعتون در زمینه زبان و زبانشناسی از حد معمول فراتر بره. همونطور که ما در کشورمون ضربالمثل داریم انگلیسیا هم دارن و البته چند گونه هم دارن:idiom(اصطلاح)proverb(ضربالمثل)slang(زبان عامیانه و غیر رسمی آمریکایی یا کوچه بازاری)، من چند نمونه از اصطلاحا و ضرب المثل هاشونو میارم:

it is kind of you:نظر لطف شماست/don't mention it:قابلی نداشت خواهش می کنم/

take the bull by the horns:به تنهایی لز تمومی مسولیتها بر اومدن/ و.....

(اگه هر اصطلاحی مد نظرتونه بگین واستون بذارم)

ممکنه بپرسین یاد گرفتن اینا چه کمکی به ما میکنه : ولی باید عرض کنم به کار بردن این اصطلاحا تو صحبتتون علاوه بر زیبایی کلا و نزدیکی به زبان مبدا دانش زبانتونو بالا می بره............

قربون همه دوستای گلم ..............فقط واسم دعا کنین ارشد قبول بشم.........دوستون دارم

دوستون دارم....................سعید

so long

چهار شنبه 24 مهر 1392برچسب:شیطان محکوم است, :: 21:6 ::  نويسنده : saeid

به نام خدا

شیطان محکوم است...

Devil is convicted

دیروز صبح زود که واسه نماز پا شده بودم ، دوباره تصمیم گرفتم یه چورتی بزنم در همون اثنا، خواب عجیبی

Yesterday morning which I had woke up for saying prayer, decided to take a nap, wherein, made a nightmarish dream.  

دیدم. خواب دیدم تو یه پارکم و رو صندلی نشسته ام و دارم روزنامه می خونم دختر آرایش کرده ی زیبایی اومد و

I dreamed I had sat on a bench in a park while reading a newspaper, a made up pretty girl came and sat on near of me.

کنارم نشست ، کسی تو پارک نبود من بودم و اون بود و اگه گفتین دیگه کی؟ درست حدس زدین شاهد همیشه

There was not anyone at there, what do you guess? It’s correct, GOD.

 ناظر. خلاصه ازش فاصله گرفتم و رو صندلی دیگه ای نشستم .دوباره اومد و کنارم نشست . روزنامه رو کنار

So I took away hers and sat down on the another bench . again came and repeated her action. gave up the newspaper

گذاشتم و گفتم، خانم با من کاری دارین؟ گفت نه فقط می خوام کمی باهات حرف بزنم. چنان این جمله رو با

And said: what do you do with me lady? Answered no just I would like to speak. so much her action was sensitive 

 حس گفت که بگی منو سالهاست  میشناسه. خلاصه ،گفتم مگه شما ناموس نداری؟ چرا با یه مرد غریبه می خوای

That as though she had already known me. Then I said haven’t you honor? Why do you want to speak with an unfamiliar man?

حرف بزنی؟سوالمو با سوال پاسخ داد:به خدا اعتقاد داری؟ گفتم اینو من باید از شما بپرسم . بی هیچ منظوری وارد

She answered my question with a question; do you believe in GOD? Said h must ask the same question you. I had argued unreasonably. 

 بحث شده بودم. گفتم خوب البته . گفت: مگه خدا گفته حرف زدن حرومه؟ گفتم نه. گفت حالا من می خوام

Said of course. She said: unless it is irregular? I said no. she said now I want

باهات حرف بزنم، و باز خودشو بهم نزدیک کرد .گفتم استغفر الله خانم فاصله رو رعایت کن.کمی از من فاصله

Speak , and again approximated himself. I said (forgive me GOD) take away from me. Took away a little me.

گرفت . دوباره گفت: دلت نمی خواد بهترینا رو داشته باشی؟ تو رفاه باشی؟ گفتم چرا؟ منظور؟دوباره پرسید: اهل

Again said , don’t you want to have the best? Be in welfare ? answered why not? What do you mean? again asked:

 نمازی آره؟ گفتم با دنیا عوضش نمیکنم. گفت: من در اختیارتم و پدرم از مال دنیا چیزی کم و کثر نداره ازت

Do you say your prayers? I said I don’t exchange with the world.sai: h belong you and my father is a wealthy man

خوشم اومده و من هم تک دخترشم حرف حرف منه، هر چی بخوای در اختیارت میذارم فقط یه چیزی. گفتم چه

I interest you and I’m his single daughter , that is my power I give you every thing you want just a matter. I said what? 

 چیزی؟(آدم در خواب اختیارش دست خودش نیست) گرم گفتگو شده بودم و ادامه داد:بهم بگو در مکتب خدایی

I had been talking her and she continued : say me what have you learnt in your GOD’s religion !

که داری چه چیزایی یاد گرفتی؟ شروع به شمردن کردم: در مکتبی که من درس خوندم دروغ گفتن حرومه،ربا

I started to counting : it is illegal to say a lie , the gavel is illegal,

 حرومه، حقو ناحق کردن حرومه، نگاه هوس آلود به نامحرم حرومه، ظلم حرومه، حرفمو برید و گفت پس میتونی بگی چه چیزایی حلاله؟ گفتم تو مکتب آموختم:به پدر مادرم احترام بدارم وقتی به پیری رسیدن رو دوشم حملشون کنم،تو مکتب آموختم و قتی به نامحرمی می رسم حدالامکان باهاش گرم نگیرم(که گرم گرفته بودم) ، تو مکتب آموختم که من پسرم و دختر هم دختره و نباید مثل اونا رفتار کنم، شبا با یاد خدا بخوابم و گفتم بازم بشمارم؟ دیدم دختره داره دیونه میشه. فریاد زد خفه شو ول کن مکتبتو کدوم مکتب! همرنگ جماعتی شو که دارن خوش گذرونی میکنن، شرطم همینه میگم مکتبتو رها کن با من باش زندگی یعنی پول نه مکتب خدا ، گفتم خودت خفه شو، من یاد خدامو با هیچ چی عوض نمی کنم، بعد صحنه ی عجیبی دیدم. چهره دختره کم کم داشت عوض می شد، با ترس کم کم ازش فاصله گرفتم تو پارک کسی نبود، خدای من چهره ی اون به یه آدم آتشین بد منظر  تبدیل شد و شروع به نالیدن کرد و گفت:چرا کسی نیست که منو به مکتب خدا دعوت کنه؟گفتم تو در مکتب خدا هزاران سال عبادت کردی بهترین فرشته ها حسرت مقامتوا می خوردند ، ولی اسیر زندانی درون خود شدی ، غرورت اجازه تعظیم به خاک نداد پس همیشه مطرودی. دیگر صدایی نیامد پارک ساکت شد . روزنامه ام زیر پایم بود، تیترش نظرمو به خودش جلب کرد. چرا این مدت  اونو ندیده بودم؟ تیتر روزنامه این بود:" دختر سرمایه دار مشهوری در پارک خودشی کرد ".یک لحظه تلنگری رو تو پشتم احساس کردم. خانمم بود که داشت هلم می داد که بیدار شو و بعدش گفت سعید پاشو برو نون بربری بگیر واسه صبحونه.

قربون همه دوستایی که نمازشون فراموش نمیشه.


ادامه مطلب ...

سه شنبه 23 مهر 1392برچسب:گفتگو با خدا, :: 11:55 ::  نويسنده : saeid
گفتگو با خدا nterview with god گفتگو با خدا I dreamed I had an Interview with god خواب دیدم در خواب با خدا گفتگویی داشتم So you would like to Interview me? “God asked” خدا گفت : پس میخواهی با من گفتگو کنی ؟ If you have the time “I said” گفتم : اگر وقت داشته باشید God smiled خدا لبخند زد

ادامه مطلب ...

شنبه 20 مهر 1392برچسب:تقدیر و تشکر, :: 1:20 ::  نويسنده : saeid
به نام خدا سلام بر همه دوستان و بییندگان گلم من یه معذزت خواهی به همه بدهکارم به جهت اینکه اگه تموم تاپیکهامو به زبان انگلیسی میذارم آخه من عاشق زبان انگلیسیم ، و اینکه از شما میخوام در ارائه هر چه بهتر مطالب و ترویج این وبلاگ منو تشویق و همراهی کنید، و ضمنا اگه هر مطلبی خواستین(در رابطه با زبان انگلیسی کافیه پیام بذارین و من دربست در خدمتتون هستم) قربون همه دوستای گلم.....سعید

چهار شنبه 17 مهر 1392برچسب:افعال عبارتی, :: 17:39 ::  نويسنده : saeid
started with A sincec Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs : A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 33 Phrasal Verbs beginning with A Click on any phrasal verb for more information, including example sentences, collocations, notes and quizzes. Phrasal Verbs account for Formal If you account for something, you explain how it came to be the way it is. act as to perform the same function as a particular person or thing act for If you act for someone, you represent them. act on If you act on somebody's advice, you do as they suggest. act out If you act out, you express your feelings through acts or words. act up Informal If a part of your body or a piece of equipment acts up, it doesn't work properly. add to If something adds to something, it makes it better, greater, stronger or more extreme in some way. add up to add two or more numbers in order to find the total amount add up to If two or more numbers add up to another number, this is the total you get if you add them together. adhere to Formal If you adhere to a law, a rule or a contract, you obey it or follow it. advise against Formal to suggest to someone that they should not do something they are thinking of doing advise of Formal If you advise someone of something, you tell them about it. agree with If a certain place or lifestyle agrees with you, it suits you and is good for you. aim at If you aim a product or a creative work at a particular group of people, you see those people as your market or your audience. allow for to consider something, or take it into account, when making plans or making a decision allude to Formal to mention or refer to something or someone in an indirect way amount to to be similar to, or to have the same effect as answer back to reply rudely to someone who is in a position of authority, such as a teacher, a parent or a coach answer for to be held responsible for something appeal for to ask for something, usually in order to help deal with a crisis or an emergency appeal to If something appeals to you, you like it. apply to If something applies to you, it is relevant to you or you are affected by it. arrive at to reach a result, a conclusion or a decision after considering relevant factors or details ask after If you ask after someone, you ask about them when you talk to someone who's seen them recently. ask for to let someone know that you'd like them to give you something ask out If you ask somebody out, you ask someone you like to go on a date with you. ask over If you ask some people over, you invite them to your house. associate with If you associate with someone, you regularly spend time with them. attach to to believe that something has importance or significance in relation to something else attend to to deal with something or someone attribute to to believe that something results directly from a certain event or fact auction off to sell something to the highest bidder at an auction average out at to come to a certain amount on average Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs : B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 64 Phrasal Verbs beginning with B Click on any phrasal verb for more information, including example sentences, collocations, notes and quizzes. Phrasal Verbs back down to decide not to do something because of opposition, or because of pressure from authorities back out If you back out of something like an agreement or a deal, you decide not to follow through on it. back up (1) to make an extra copy of digital information on disc, flash drive, external hard drive, etc. in case the original data is lost back up (2) If you back up what you say, you use evidence or examples to show that it's true. bail out (1) to help out someone or something that's in serious trouble, especially financial trouble bail out (2) to give money to a court so that an accused person doesn't have to stay in jail until their trial begins bank on If you bank on something happening or someone doing something, you depend on it or count on it. base on (1) to use specific information, ideas or past experiences as a basis for making a decision base on (2) to use something as source material bear on to have relevance to, or influence on, something bear out to show that someone is correct or that something is true beat up to hurt someone by punching, kicking or hitting them with a hard object become of If you ask what has become of someone you haven't seen or heard from for a long time, you want to know what's happened to them. beef up to make something stronger or more powerful begin with If an activity or an event begins with something, that's the first thing that happens. believe in If you believe in something, you're sure that it's true or it really exists. belong to If something belongs to a person, it is owned by that person. bend down to move the upper part of your body forwards and downwards bet on to be sure that something will happen bite off to separate something from whatever it's attached to by biting it black out to lose consciousness blow away to surprise or amaze someone blow out If a flame blows out, it goes out because someone blows on it or because of the wind. blow up (1) If you blow up something, you use explosives to damage or destroy it. blow up (2) to fill with air or gas in order to inflate something blow up (3) to make a photograph larger border on If something like an action or an attitude borders on something more extreme, it is close to being that extreme. bow out to resign from a job, or to end a career, usually after a long time break down (1) If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working because of a mechanical problem. break down (2) If someone breaks down, they start crying. break into If someone breaks into a building or a vehicle, they force their way in, usually to steal something. break out to escape from somewhere like a jail or a detention centre break up If you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you end your relationship with him or her. breathe in to fill your lungs with air by drawing it in through your nose or mouth breathe out to push air out from your lungs through your nose or mouth brighten up (1) to make a place or a thing look more cheerful and more lively brighten up (2) to become happier and feel more cheerful bring about If you bring about something, you cause it to happen or you make it happen. bring back (1) to bring something with you when you return from somewhere bring back (2) to make something from the past come back, such as a memory, a feeling, an idea, etc. bring down to cause a government or a leader to lose power bring forward to change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than originally planned bring off to succeed in doing something that's difficult bring on to cause something like an illness or a painful emotion bring out (1) to release a new product bring out (2) to make a quality in someone or something show itself bring up (1) If you bring somebody up, you raise them from childhood to young adulthood. bring up (2) to raise a new topic for discussion, or to mention a particular subject or issue in a conversation brush up to revise your knowledge of something that you learned in the past buckle up to fasten a seatbelt in a car or on a plane bugger off Informal If you tell someone to bugger off, you're telling them to go away in a very impolite and aggressive way. build on (1) to add to what you've already succeeded in doing build on (2) to add a new section to a house or a building build up (1) to work at something and make it get stronger or bigger build up (2) to gradually increase bump into to meet somebody by chance burn down If something like a building or a forest burns down, it's completely destroyed in a fire. burn out (1) If a fire burns out, it slowly dies down until it stops burning altogether. burn out (2) to work too hard and suffer from physical and mental exhaustion butt in to start talking when somebody else is already talking butt out Informal If you want to tell someone quite forcefully to mind their own business, you can tell them to butt out. butter up to say nice things to someone before asking them to do something for you or to give you something buy out to buy somebody's share of a company or a partnership in order to take control of it buy up Skip to Content ________________________________________ English Club : Learn English : Vocabulary • Reference • Help Forum • Idiom of the Day • Slang of the Day • Phrasal Verb of the Day • Saying of the Day Search the entire directory only this category Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs : C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 89 Phrasal Verbs beginning with C Click on any phrasal verb for more information, including example sentences, collocations, notes and quizzes. Phrasal Verbs call back If you call someone back, you return their telephone call. call for If a person or an organisation calls for something, they state in public that it's needed, or should be done. call off to cancel an event that was planned or scheduled call on to visit someone for a short time call out If you call out, you use a loud voice to tell something to someone who's far away, or tell something to a large group. calm down If a person who is excited or agitated calms down, they become calmer and less excited or agitated. care for (1) If you care for someone, you like them a lot and have a strong affection for them. care for (2) If you care for someone or something, you look after them and make sure they have what they need. care for (3) Formal If you ask someone if they would care for something, you want to know if they'd like to have something. carry on to continue doing something carry out If you carry out a task or a piece of work, you do whatever is needed to complete it. catch on (1) If something catches on, it becomes popular. catch on (2) If you catch on, you suddenly understand something that you couldn't understand at first. catch up (1) If you catch up with someone who is ahead of you, you go faster than them until you reach them. catch up (2) If two people meet again after a while and catch up, they tell each other what they've been doing. cater to to provide people with what they need change into to change from one state or form into another change over to stop using one thing or one system and start using another one instead charge with If someone is charged with a crime, they are officially accused of committing it. chase up to try to find out what is being done about something, or what has happened to something chat up Informal to talk to someone in the hope of beginning a romantic relationship with them cheat on to be disloyal to your spouse or partner by having sex with someone else cheat out of to get something from somebody by cheating them check in If you check in, you give your details at a hotel's reception desk, or at an airline's check-in counter, when you arrive. check into to register your details after arriving for treatment at a hospital, a rehabilitation centre or a health resort check on to look at someone or something to make sure that nothing is wrong check out (1) to pay the bill and leave after staying at a hotel, a hospital or a rehabilitation centre check out (2) Informal to look at something, or go somewhere, to see what it's like check through to examine something carefully to make sure nothing is wrong, or to look for something cheer on to shout loudly to encourage someone, especially someone who's playing sport or competing in a race cheer up to feel happier after being sad chop down If you chop down something like a tree, you cause it to fall by cutting through its base. chop up to cut something into pieces with an axe or a knife clean out (1) to clean the inside of something clean out (2) Informal If you have been cleaned out, all your money has been taken by someone, or spent on something. clean up to make something clean and tidy clear out (1) to tidy a place by removing things that shouldn't be there clear out (2) Informal to leave a place, usually for a long time or forever clear up If an illness or a condition like acne clears up, it improves until it's no longer a problem. close down If a business closes down, or if someone closes it down, it stops operating. come about to happen, especially partly or totally by chance come across (1) to find something or meet someone by chance come across (2) If somebody comes across as being a certain type of person, they appear that way to other people. come along (1) to arrive or to appear come along (2) to make progress or to improve in some way come along (3) to go with somebody when they're going somewhere come apart to separate into several pieces, or to break into several parts come around to visit somebody, usually at their home come back to return to a place come down to move to a lower level or a lower position come from (1) to be born and raised in a place come from (2) to be made in or obtained from a particular place or thing come in (1) to enter a room or a building come in (2) If something like a train or plane comes in, it arrives at a station or an airport. come into to be given something after its owner dies come of to be the result of an event or situation come off (1) If something comes off, it becomes separated from the thing it's usually attached to. come off (2) to result in the intended outcome come on (1) to make progress or to improve in some way come on (2) If a light or a computer comes on, it starts working. come on (3) If a TV or radio show comes on, it starts. come out (1) to become available come out (2) to become known come over (1) to visit a place, or to move from one place or country to another come over (2) to seem to be a particular type of person come through to survive a difficult or dangerous situation or time come to (1) to regain consciousness after an accident or an operation come to (2) to add up to a particular total come to (3) If a thought or an idea comes to you, you remember it or you think of it come under to suddenly experience or suffer something dangerous or unpleasant come up (1) to walk up to someone or something come up (2) If an issue or a name comes up in something like a conversation, a meeting, or a report, the issue or name is discussed or mentioned. come up (3) to appear, occur, or become available come up against to face a difficult situation or a difficult opponent come up with to think of something like a plan, an idea or a solution to a problem count on to depend on someone or something to do what is expected or needed cover up to try to stop people finding out about something bad crack down to start enforcing a law or a rule more strictly cross off to remove a name or an item from a list by drawing a line through it cross out If you cross something out, you draw a line through it with a pen or a pencil, usually because it's wrong or is no longer necessary. cry out to scream or yell because of pain or fear cut back to reduce the amount of money spent on something, or to reduce the size or scale of something cut down to reduce the amount, number or size of something cut off (1) to stop the supply of something like electricity, water, gas or telephone service. cut off (2) to isolate somebody or something by making transport or communication very difficult or impossible cut out (1) to remove an area of paper or cloth from a larger sheet by cutting cut out (2) to stop doing something, such as eating fatty foods or gambling or taking drugs, usually in order to improve one's health or one's life cut out (3) Informal If you tell someone to "Cut it out!", you want them to stop doing something annoying. cut up to cut something into small pieces

دو شنبه 15 مهر 1392برچسب:والدین,, :: 22:11 ::  نويسنده : saeid
One kind word can warm three winter months An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window. The Father asked his Son, "What is this?" The Son replied "It is a crow". After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, "What is this?" The Son said "Father, I have just now told you "It's a crow". After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time, "What is this?" At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the Son's tone when he said to his Father with a rebuff. "It's a crow, a crow". A little after, the Father again asked his Son t he 4th time, "What is this?" This time the Son shouted at his Father, "Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this?" A little later the Father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his Son was born. On opening a page, he asked his Son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary: - "Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a Crow. I hugged him lovingly each time h e asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel irritated. I rather felt affection for my innocent child". While the little child asked him 23 times "What is this", the Father had felt no irritation in replying to the same question all 23 times and when today the Father asked his Son the same question just 4 times, the Son felt irritated and annoyed. So... If your parents attain old age, do not repulse them or look at them as a burden, but speak to them a gracious word, be cool, obedient, humble and kind to them. Be considerate to your parents. >From today say this aloud, "I want to see my parents happy forever. They have cared for me ever since I was a little child. They have always showered their selfless love on me. They crossed all mountains and valleys without seeing the storm and heat to make me a person presentable in the society today". Say a prayer to God, "I will serve my old parents in the BEST way. I will say all good and kind words to my dear parents, no matter how they behave. I hope In the Next birth(Rebirth)When I am old, My son U will not be irritated by me ... when the crow perches on my window".

یک شنبه 14 مهر 1392برچسب:, :: 8:15 ::  نويسنده : saeid
In the nbame of GOD The Bet (Anton Chekove) It was a dark autumn night and the old banker was roaming side to side of his study, recalling in hid mind to rejoicing at the party.There were clever persons and authority . the iscussion was aound the punishments, whicch one of them was better or wrose than another one! Life imprisonment or capital punishment?Most of them beleved that capital punishment should be eplaced universally by life imperisonment . I don’t agree with you remarked the host. I myself have not experinced any one of them . Neither capital punishment nor life impriaonment, but in my opinion capital punishment is more moral and human than imprisonment. An executioner kills you instantly , life imprisonment kills gradually. Who is the more human an executioner who kills you in a few seccounds or one who kills you continuously? They are both equally immoral . mentioned one of the guestes. Because their purpose is the same. Both take your life. This state is not GOD. Amoung the struggling , there was a lawyer , a young man of abuot 24years old, he said : Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral but if i want to select one of them i would rather select the secound one. It is better to live somehow than not to live entirely. In a flash the banker who was younger , lost his temper , and banged his fist on the table , and cryed out : Do you ever know what areyou talking about? It is lie. I bet you two millions yopu can not patient in a cell even for five years! If you serious, replied the lawyer man , not only i gonna do it for five years, but also i will do it for fifteen. Here the banker mentioned : i bet two millions. Agreed said the lawyer. During supper the banker said to the lawyer jokingly : come to your sence my friend, before it’s too late. Two millions are nothing to me , but you will lose three or four of the best years of your life. And i pity you. And now the banker roaming from corner to corner , recalled the utterance and asked himself : why did i bet this bet? What’s the good?he gonna lose fifteen years of his life ,accordingly i will throw out two millions. Will the people realize capital punishment is worse or better than life imprisonment ? Anyway , the lawyer man accepted to suffer his imprisonment under the strictest observation. The condition were beneath : he would be deprived of crossing th threshold. To see living the people , to hear human voices , and to recieve the letter and newspaper . then was accepted to have musical tool , to read books, to write letters , to drink wine and smoke tobacoo. He could do the communication but only in silent. So just for communicating he could do it with a crack of the window constructed for this purpose. The condition constructed by scrutinzed deatails. By the agreement it dtarted from 12 o’clock ofNovamber 14 th, 1870, to 12 o’clcock of Novamber 14 th . During the first year he suffered lots of from the confinement, most of the time he heard the piano’s sound. He refused to use from the wine and tobacoo. He believed that the wine excite the desire and desire is the orginal enemy of a prisoner , so smoking tobacoo was the cause of the air pollution. And he was sent so many books in the light character , with a complicated love intterest , stories of crime and fantasty , comedies and so forth. In the secound year , he avoided from to hear piano music and drinking plenty of wine and smokicng the tobacoo. Most of the people had imagined that he is drinking , eating and laying onhis bed all of the time. In the second half of the sixth year he began sacrificly to study languages , philosophy , history. He had done these jobs hardly and the banker had not leisure time to buy ooks for him. In the space of rour yeras , he bought six hundered volumes books. It was while that kindness lasted that the banker received a letter from the prisoner : my darling prison’s officer , i’m writing these lines in six languages . Exhibit them to experts and outstanding persons. Let them read them. If they don’t find even one mistake , i appeal from you to give order two fires. By the noise i shall undersatnd that my efforts have not been usless.if you imagine what kind of sensation i find when i can speak and understabd in six languages. The prisoner desire was fulfilled. The banker to ordered two shots fire. After the ten years , he sat unstirableand immovable behind the table and study only his statement. It was the cause of the banker surprising , because a person who has spent for years of his time for studying six hundered books , right now is spending just one year to study one book. After that the new testament replaced by the other books, such as theology and religious. During the last two years of his confinement he read the extraordinary amount , quite accidently and haphazard. Now he would apply himself to the natural sciences. He would read the books of Bylon & shakespeare. He read as thuogh he were swimming in the sea amoung broken pieces of wrekage. So the banker remmembered all this and thuoght:tomorrow at 12 oclock he receives his freedom, i shall have to pay him two millions. If i pay him i will ruin forever... The banker had lost everything. Gambling on the stock exchange, risky speculation and the recklessness, that he could not rid himself even in old ages. That hateful bet was whispering in his ears , and was clutching the old man. Why didn’t the man die? He gonna take my last life , enjoyment , and i shall hear some hilarious words from him every day. I’m pity on you , let me help you. The only way escape from bankruptcy is that the man should die. The clock had just struck three. The banker was listening every one was asleep, all of trees were frozen . he did try that to make any noise. Then , he pulled out the keys from his pocket which had not been used during the fifteen years in the sack of opening the door. Put on his overcoat and went out of the house. The Weather was very cold, could not see neither the ground,nor the white statues, nor the garden wing, nor the trees. Approaching the garden wings and called the watchnan, there was no answer. The weather was so much cold that he had gone to the shelter. The old banker thought with himself, if i have the courage to fulfill my determination, definitly the watchman will get into suspicion. In the darkness he scrabbled for his steps and the door and entered to the hall of the garden wing and scratch a match. There was no any body, anyone’s bed, with any clothes.stood there.for sometimes he knocked the window.there was no answer. In the prisoner’s room a candle was burning slowly. The prisoner himself had sat on the table. Only his back, the hair on his head and his hands were visible. Open books were spread on the table. Fifeen years confinement had taught him to sit montionless. Any way he decided to enter. After that he approach gradually him, there was a man but unlike to a human. When he touched , he had been like a skelton. The colour of his face was like yellow. Poor evill, thought the old banker with himself. Probably he had been dreaming two millions. To take this half - dead body on the bed and suffocate him with a cushion. But first let us to read his paper : He started to read it : tomorrow at 12 o’cclock midnight, i gonna get my freedom and mix with people,but befor i leave this room and see the sun, it necessary to say a few words to you. On my own clear conscinece , and before GOD who sees me , l have to mention that i dislike freedom,the life, the health, cand everythings that your books call blessing of the world. For fifteen years i have studied earthly life. True , i saw neither the earth nor the people, but in your books i drank fragrant wine, hunted deer and wild animals in the jungels. In your books i climbed up the pinnacle of ELBORZ and saw how the sun is raising in the morning and is setting in the evening. And saw the ocean , the mountain ridges with a purple gold. And i saw from there how the clouds were dividing togather above of me.i saw the green jungels, fields, rivers , lakes,cities. I touches the wings of beautiful devils who came flying to me to speakof GOD... Your books gae me wisdom. All that delightful human thaught created in the centries is compressed to a little lump in my skull. Everything is discarded, frail ,visionary and delusive as a mirage. Thaught you be prode and wise and beautiul, but finally you gonna die like the face of the earth like micce underground. You are crazy and gone the wrong way. You have worn the sheeps’ clothes in the wolves’ skin. You would surprised and enthusiastic if the fruits of the orange and appel’s trees had born frogs and lizards. Or not if the roses’ perfume had been horses’ sweat. Now i show you my humility indeed , but i belittle two millions which i dreamed in the paradise . i shall come out from here five minutes before the stipulated, so i shall violate the agreement. Upon reading the letter ,the old banker put it on the table, kissing the head of the lawyer man wnd started to weep. He went out from the wing , he had not remebered by that time to have sense of the humility like this. Coming back home, lay bown on his bed , so tears didn’t let him to have a calm sleep. The next morning the watch man came and said him that they had seen the prisoner climd through the window . he had gone and disappear. Immediately, the banker followed the watchman and designed the escape of the prisoner. After thet he intrrupted to exhibit the paper to anyone, and louked it for everlasting.

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درباره وبلاگ

neither i poet which make poem nor prophet so that miracle , i'm simple as simple as you with so much sins ,so give me right to have some mistake , to have some sins and to have a selection for my living , then in every step , i must think about my creature and deny evil who is always overcom by GOD
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